Monday, February 24, 2025

Is There Not One ROCOR Bishop Who Will Act?

Who among you has had enough of the desecration of ROCOR and its people via the inaction or subterfuge of its hierarchy regarding sexual predators in its midst? Do you really think you are protecting the Church of Christ by keeping things on the down-low? Is there not one ROCOR Bishop who will act? Whom do you fear most, God or man?


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    …and now FMW is posting prayers on FB. Is he still in the monastery? He definitely has access to a computer or his phone.

  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Why hasn’t this hit the news networks at this point

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    If he is still at the monastery, I'm surprised they are allowing him access to social media. I wondered if someone else was using his FB account when I say the prayer postings. I haven't seen him respond to any comments.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    It looks like he (or someone using his account) has also started a Facebook page called The Damascene Press. It was created a couple of days ago and has many posts. Those posts have all been shared on his personal page as well. Keep an eye out.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      He’s finding a way to pay child support as his wife just filed for divorce last week. I wonder if ROCOR is ok having an alleged rapist and child molester publish books about their faith…those publishings should come with a disclaimer.

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    This is the same ROCOR which has no problem with a disgraced, sexually deviant choir director of the Synodal Cathedral leading choral workshops for a monastery in West Virginia.
    Not to mention that he is a *close* friend of FMW, and even led a choral workshop at his parish of St. Tikhon’s, 2 years ago…

    1. Anon @ 10:29 If you have documentation or other info, please send to


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