Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Sibling of 2004 Alleged Rape Victim Speaks Out

Comment left on JTO:

"I’m related to the victim from 2004, and I can say for a fact that Elizabeth knew about it and actively tried to silence her. The turmoil and damage this caused Carol at the time were heartbreaking to witness. Yes, the victim chose not to take action then—that was her decision. But that doesn’t excuse Elizabeth’s role in covering it up and trying to silence Carol when she found out.

I do feel terrible for what Elizabeth’s children are going through now, but knowing what I do about her past behavior, it’s hard for me to feel sympathy for her. Maybe I need to let go of the resentment I still carry, but as children, we were taught to look up to and revere both her and Matthew. Ever since the truth about what he did came to light over a decade ago, I haven’t been able to think of them without feeling anger."

[JTO Note: This public support of Carole from another child is courageous and a long time coming. JTO would offer one correction. It is inaccurate that "the victim chose not to take action then". According to Carole, the day after the alleged rape, her daughter called and spoke with Father Anastasy P. Yatrelis within hours of the alleged rape, and the coercion of this 15-year-old rape victim by Orthodox clergy began.]


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy. May every victim find healing and may every perpetrator and enabler of this abuse face justice. My prayers are with those injured, all those who are disgusted and those victims who have to sit in silence as the cowardly refuse to protect them whilst helping this man escape accountability. Our leadership has a lot to answer for.
    It seems every denomination is full of those who do not take abuse seriously, placing the onus on the victim and smearing those who try to seek help. As an outsider, Carol especially, has earned herself respect by refusing to let this go in the face of such opposition and attacks. She is a true woman of faith and I pray all schisms in her family are healed. X.

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I think one thing can be agreed on by everyone: nobody is having a good time here. This discussion would be better if everyone remembered that whoever they're talking to is probably as miserable as them.

  3. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Neither the old Pokrov web site or SNAP has information on their web sites about Matthew Williams as an alleged child sex abuser. Unless SNAP is notified with the details it is highly unlikely any action will be taken against Matthew Williams. So all this venting is not productive.

    1. Then, frankly, they need to get their act together! Numerous sources, including JTO, have notified them over the years.

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Check the SNAP web site for yourself. They would open up a file on him if someone reported it. SNAP has two people listed to contact for Tennessee so please why don't you contact them yourself now to ensure SNAP has a file on Matthew Williams. The sooner it is done the better.


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