
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Our good friends at should be ashamed of themselves! How dare they comment on the murderous spirit of the professing Roman Catholic Nancy Pelosi!? How dare they relate the results of her ideology of abortion on demand to another Roman Catholic who devalued human life-Adolph Hitler?! How dare they tell the truth?! Don't they know how offensive that might be? Can't we all just get along?

I have taken heat lately for my own post showing the mutual attitudes of Martin Luther and Hitler regarding Jews. I was told by an Orthodox brother that I was being mean spirited and un-loving to non-Orthodox. My brother even asked to have his links removed from my BLOG. He did not want to be associated with me. My response to Him and others who have a tainted idea that somehow there is no room for strong apologetics and frank discourse in speaking with non-orthodox is seen in my prior post Dismembering The Body.

Wow, that Adolph doesn't have many friends. Seems like no one wants to be associated with him and to even invoke his name is problematic. A valid point. A hard point. A true point. A needed point. Hitler embodies the depths of what evil can do. To use such as an example is appropriate. The massacre of Jews and the massacre of babies...Murder is murder, whether it is The Speaker of the House or the Founder of Protestantism.


  1. Thanks for the support.

  2. Well my friend, if the shoe fits...

    There's a false sense of compassion running rampant in the Church in America. How "nice" was St. Nicholas to Arius, Jeremiah to back-slidden Israel, and Elijah/Elias to the false prophets and Jezebel?

    The truth often hurts, and as St. Stephen the First Martyr said to the perfidious Sanhedrin, "Which prophets have you not persecuted?" These complaints of "mean-spiritedness" often come from the same people who are trying to keep the staus quo of the fortress mentality of ethnic ghettos and phyletism. I say to them "butch up Sally." They'll be extinct in 20 years anyway.


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