
Thursday, January 02, 2025

Happy New Year - ROCOR Style

Proverbs 31:8-9

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”

ROCOR, You cannot now expect to be given "time" to deal with the issue of sexual predators in your midst. You cannot now play the victim. "Oh, the evil one is accusing the church!" No. It is you- "Thou art the man", the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, who has facilitated the evils to abound in your midst. It is the righteous who are accusing the church. 

You knew. You have known for years. Father Anastasy P. Yatrelis allegedly knew within hours of the alleged sexual assault of the 15-year-old Stephens girl. How did he allegedly know? Well, contrary to the circle-the-wagons ROCOR narrative, she REPORTED IT. SHE CAME FORWARD. (Please forgive all-caps shouting, but you don't seem to be hearing very well.) She phoned Yatrelis. She had a conversation with Yatrelis. Did any of your ROCOR investigators ask Yatrelis about that conversation prior to the late Metropolitan Hilarion's statement that the investigation "was curtailed due to lack of accusation on the part of the alleged victim" ?

Father Anastasy P. Yatrelis

Did anyone in the ROCOR Hierarchy or anyone who was empowered to deal with such matters, respond personally to the mother, Carole Stephens, all those years ago? No. How about now? In light of the current circumstances and new accusations, have you contacted Carole Stephens? Do you intend to? She has always been willing to meet. She is willing to meet now. Are you? (


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Many of us are glad I’m sure you are not letting this go because we can’t trust our Hierarchy to accomplish what’s needed that will paint the Church in a negative light. May justice prevail.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. There is no joy in doing so, but a burden, a hope and a biblical command to help the helpless.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Honestly as much as was said and done here I don’t think Matthew Williams will be prosecuted in a court of law and neither will the people culpable of enabling his behavior. They just sent some clergy in another attempt to stop people from talking about it more.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      You obviously are not a member, and have no idea what is happening. This is our lives, not something to be gossiping about. If they are not facts, and you are not directly involved then maybe you should not gossip.

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Or, maybe the members of Saint Tikhon who are also skeptical and maybe even dare I say upset? Enraged? That Elizabeth had kicked Matthew out of their home far longer than when it was reported of his abuse. Maybe instead of arguing and defending with more emotion, opening your eyes and seeing what’s happening. This post only blew up because people have seen the verbal and mental abuse Elizabeth’s inner circle have done to people who speak out. Maybe we look here because we have families and don’t wish to put them in danger because the very vocal and wrong minority of the group are ready to shout, threaten to call the police for false reports on people who are willing to spread the TRUTH about Matthew and Elizabeth’s abuse.


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