
Friday, March 07, 2025

Christ Before Creeds

THE BOOK: "Just when you thought you knew who Jesus was, along comes a book like this to profoundly challenge and wonderfully inspire. Most Christians are unaware of how different their Western worldview is from those who wrote the original accounts of Jesus’ life. Pastor Jeff Deuble issues a clarion call to prioritize biblical testimony over the later church creeds that were influenced by Greek philosophical thinking, so as to rediscover simple, uncluttered Christianity.

Meticulously presenting information from biblical, historical, Jewish, and Christian sources about how the early followers of Christ thought about him, this book promises new insight and an enriched understanding of Christ’s identity. More than informative, Christ Before Creeds is an invitation to examine the identity of Jesus the Messiah, engaging with respect and grace."

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The Summary Argument: "The Bible declares why Jesus is unique in so many ways--the perfect reflection he is of God, the special place he holds in God's heart and purposes for the world, the ideal example he is of how we are meant to live and what we are destined to be.

By God's Spirit, Jesus was divinely chosen, conceived, and commissioned; divinely anointed and appointed, authorized and authenticated, empowered and endowed, infused and inspired. He was totally surrendered and submissive to the Father so that he could fully represent and reflect God's heart, character, and purposes, his will, and his word.

Therefore, God has glorified him above all, giving him a name above every name (Phil 2:9-11), conferring on him a kingdom (Luke 22:29) and everlasting glory forever and ever (Rev. 5:11-14). Through faith in Jesus Christ, his God and Father can be our God and Father, too (John 20:17, 31), and in him we are positioned and destined to enter into his inheritance, his future and fullness (Rom. 8:16-17). 

The Bible teaches that this Jesus came in the flesh as a human being. He was born and lived as a man: completely human. He is not a Gnostic or Trinitarian Jesus with a composite nature, a humanity compromised or compartmentalized by his deity.

Such a Jesus would not be genuinely and authentically human. Hence, he could not be truly mortal, tempted and tested, perfected, capable of completely identifying and sympathizing with us. He would be less fully the model, mediator, pioneer, perfector, brother, and High Priest that the Bible declares him to be." [Chapter 6 Page 125 Christ Before Creeds]

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