
Monday, April 10, 2023

Red Pill Gospel

In my newly found method of understanding the scriptures, that is to say-- setting aside all doctrines and creeds and searching the scriptures alone and asking questions aloud that may be anathema to the established bodies of modern Christianity, I have been introduced to several writers who are on a similar journey and who have reached similar conclusions about the untenable structure of cemented doctrines.

One such writer is Forrest Maready. It is apparent by his book, Red Pill Gospel, that he has little interest in appeasing religious entities who have set up unscriptural doctrinal structures as foundational Christian truth. It is also apparent that he has no fear of being called a heretic by the members of those entities.

I challenge anyone to read his book and refute with scripture its presentation that flies in the face of commonly accepted modern scriptural interpretation of the Trinity, Heaven, Hell, and the Kingdom of God. In doing so, you may be able to fairly call him any name you choose and save many from his maniacal devises to lead others astray from the established religious order- or you may find your religion ruined and its shaky tenants crumble at your feet. You may find as many have, as I have, a restoration of the Christian faith as it truly was once taught and believed before " was ruined by Christians."

A few excerpts from Red Pill Gospel-Christianity, Before it was ruined by Christians:

"Many believers-myself included-tend to romanticize the early church as what must have been an accurate reflection of the body of Christ. This is largely untrue. The early church was a complete mess with competing factions of Christianity that sprung up new branches at every turn. The denominational differences of Presbyterian and Baptist or Catholicism and Calvinism are nothing compared to the wild variants of Christianity that formed in the years after Jesus's resurrection. There was much confusion, and through misguided teaching--or simply an effort to survive--many of the factions forked and merged, absorbing and jettisoning competing ideologies along the way."

""...the gatekeeper the notion that a certain person or group of people controls access to a very special revelation or understanding of God. Very few others are capable of this comprehension- only the gatekeepers..."

"The simple kingdom message which had originally captured the hearts and minds of thousands naturally and organically had been twisted into a shell of its former glory. Meanwhile, the failed attempts of...Calvinists and Catholics to square their man-made doctrine's diabolic authoritarian laws- drove them mad, leaving nothing but the memories of hundreds of thousands of dead men, women and children, most of them Christians."

"Over the past several hundred years the church has successfully lopped off half of the gospel message...The good news was not just the forgiveness of sins, but the coming kingdom of God..."

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