
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Source: "Fr. Matthew Is Severely Bipolar"

From a verified source close to the situation:

Fr. Matthew is severely bipolar, diagnosed and medicated in 2004. He went off those medications in 2022, beginning a downward spiral at that time.

The present situation is caused by victims having flashbacks and remembering childhood events, not recent actions.

These accusations were known to the Metropolitan in Mid-September, by Fr. Matthew's own confession (The family of course made their own reports, and were thorough). Action was not taken until the first week of December despite much pressure from the family.

The family is in contact with local authorities regarding criminal charges. It is a long process requiring care and discretion. I obviously cannot say more.

The attitude of the hierarchy is that this should be quiet. It was represented to the family that it is their duty to forgive and forget. This is not an option.

A whole lot of people are making huge assumptions on limited information. I understand why they're doing this, but I have seen plenty of plain lies being thrown around. Hopefully this provides useful context.

None of the family are protecting Fr. Matthew. Any indication to the contrary is ridiculous.

I want to add that Matushka [Elizibeth Williams] was investigated for neglect, and was commended on her handling of Fr. Matthew by CPS. Their words: "You did it exactly right".


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Did the family contact civil authorities at the same time as they did the hierarchy? I think not.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      There is no urgency. In cases like this, it takes time to investigate, and it's hard to make an arrest on an accusation from years ago. The hierarchy had a better chance of acting fast.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      This had nothing to do with the accusation years ago, the decade long accusation serves to show there is a pattern of FMWs sexual appetite and the family’s willingness to turn a blind eye or to actively muffle the situation.

      If you want to bring in how the hierarchy acts faster, if taking things for face value mid-September, hmm I’m pretty sure Elizabeth’s letter said October she contacted the church. That doesn’t line up. And there is evidence that they were already sudden tension between mid summer more likely. If we take October of all things in Elizabeth’s grain of salt. That’s still a complete 4 weeks. That he was allowed to be around other little girls. You’re telling me in the time it took a church, which from October to now is almost 12 weeks for them to reach a decision on what to do, is faster? Vs a division whose job is investigate? No it is clear the church and whoever wanted this to go away quietly. Why? See the previous paragraph of this establishes a pattern of FMW perversion.

      No one is protecting him? Then why have a family member boast that they had evidence of admission of the crime but still no reports of them coming forward to the police until there was a dang near riot for justice?

    3. Although your words have merit, your comment "this has nothing to do with the accusation years ago", is quite dismissive and not well taken. JTO has been exposing this pattern of which you speak for over six years. It is the persistence of the mother that "decade long" ago and JTO's coverage of the alleged rape of her daughter, that has exposed not only FMW's pattern but the entire ROCOR Hierarchy. The current conversation, in which you are freely participating, has everything to do with the accusation years ago. Thank you very much! JTO Editor

    4. Anonymous10:34 AM

      That may be, but it doesn't seem like anyone from the family ever actually reported it. Sounds like a child leaked it and the Williams never intended to disclose

      It would be easy to prove that Elizabeth actually did so

    5. Anonymous2:06 PM

      You are absolutely correct! They had no intention of letting anyone know, They are all responsible for his abuse of the people. They are not any different from Mathew..

    6. Anonymous1:08 PM

      No. Many others called civil authorities and the authorities stated they did not receive any reports from the Williams.

    7. Anonymous2:05 PM

      But none of us would have know anything had a child not told an adult. They never intended for this to get out, and when it did, Matushka and family closed ranks, and attacked anyone who said they should have warned us. Vile uncaring and cruel

    8. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Anon 3:19

      “There is no urgency. In cases like this, it takes time to investigate, and it's hard to make an arrest on an accusation from years ago. The hierarchy had a better chance of acting fast.”

      This is what is called a non-answer. It also implies Elizabeth did not contact law enforcement and only contacted the church. Why? Why was she also pushing a soft punishment and a place in Jordanville for him?

      Hard to make an arrest? Not with concrete evidence family members are withholding documenting a clear admittance.

  2. Note: Comments with profanity will not be posted. Also, the comment section is not to be confused with a chat room. Comments should be focused on the posted topic or to the content of other comments.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Seems like Elizabeth had to talk to the cops after dozens of parishioners called it in.

    Wheres the proof that she ever reported him to the bishops?

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Seems like you have an axe to grind.

    2. You may want to ask the bishops for proof they reported FMW to the cops after both the mother of the Stephens girl and the girl herself told them of the rape over a decade ago. The girl was FMW's 15-year-old goddaughter. Did you read the original Rape and the Holy Man? Why aren't you interrogating ROCOR? Have you been convinced that somehow it is ungodly to do so? What about their questionable timeline of conduct?

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      If they had called the cops immediately the computers & hard drives could have been pulled. There was chance that their was CP on his computers. Crimes could have easily been covered up. Big mistake.

    4. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Mathew sat at my kitchen table on December 2nd and told me that he was planning a long sabbatical in Jordanville for mental health before the hurricane but then the hurricane put that plan on hold. What was the plan that got foiled?

    5. Anonymous9:34 PM

      That is when she reported him.

    6. Anonymous5:45 AM

      And so if he would have quietly left to Jordanville under the guise of a mental health sabbatical? Not one of us would be having this conversation. He would be writing books out of Jordanville. The police should have been called and computers and hard drives would have been pulled immediately.

  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    This puts a lot in perspective. Thank you anonymous source!

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    His family knew he was off his medication and was not doing well, but you didn't think any one at the church should know? Why wouldn't someone warn the people.

  6. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Soooo where's the proof Elizabeth reported him at all?

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Thats what everyone wants to know

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      The proof comes when he’s arrested.

    3. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Him being arrested doesn't prove anything. It seems unlikely Elizabeth ever reported child sex abuse to the bishops

    4. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Well, she did though.

      After everyone found out she never did.

  7. Anonymous5:09 PM

    If they are willing to cover up the Bipolar in Matthew what else were they willing to hide from the rest of the parish?

  8. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Sigh. Why was a mentally ill man made a priest????????????????? Elizabeth and those kids have been through hell, and just a guess here, she’s been trying to keep her family together as best she can in the midst of a mentally ill husband. I’m sorry for what they’ve been through and for what he’s done to other people. Sorry he’s mentally ill, but he doesn’t get to hurt other people. But in the end, why was a bipolar man made a priest?

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      And why did his wife support him being a Priest when she was very well aware of his mental illness long before he became a Priest.

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      I saw a family attending church knowingly letting a mentally unstable and sexually immoral man walk around and interact with women and children, meeting one on one, taking confessions, and God knows what else. The family kept silent about it, there is no excuse for keeping silent when you put other people in danger of pastoral abuse and probable sexual abuse. This can be forgiven from a Christian perspective, but forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing toxic behavior to continue. I saw divides form and attacks and exacerbated claims of “craziness” on people that were victims. There is hypocrisy rampant.

    3. Anon @ 12:25 You are partially right to say a "family" but there is little talk of the Hierarchy who did the same. As early as 2019 a few of these family members were appealing to the current ROCOR Bishop Nicholas about FMW. Reportedly he would not act without evidence of documentation or this or that... May I suggest you begin holding your Bishops to account? It is scriptural, you know. 1 Timothy 5:19 The Apostles set in order accountability for all who would rule over you spiritually. They are not Gods. When they sin, it is the people who bring the accusations. Any priest or Bishop who says otherwise is advising you in an extrabiblical manner according to an established Orthodox culture and not according to Biblical instruction.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      You’re exactly right. Everyone that took part in ordaining him and covering for him should be held accountable from the bottom up.

    5. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Thank you!! Their victims want peace. The cover up by Matushka and her family have devastated many many people, and now her Pride the "I built this church and I will not leave" attitude after permitting her husband to continue with his abuse has cause her to be exposed as well. This is exactly why she and the entire family must go. This is about saving our church, not about her remaining Queen of ROCOR

    6. Anonymous6:38 PM

      People with Bipolar disorder are often highly intelligent and fully capable of success in all kinds of high-demand careers as long as they are able to stabilize. That usually requires meds and they need to stay on them. A large percentage of people with Bipolar disorder know they have a problem and are willing to find ways to manage their symptoms. It's no wonder they kept it a secret from parishioners. People with mental disorders are subject to a tremendous amount of prejudice and stigma. Not everyone with Bipolar disorder becomes a sexual offender or mass murderer, just as not everyone without a mental disorder becomes a pedofile or murderer, but some do. Everyone wants to blame and explain, but you can't always predict or prevent these things from happening, and everyone involved is in need of compassion, including the offenders. That doesn't mean excusing their actions, but recognizing their humanity and brokeness.

  9. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "There is no urgency" in reporting a man of the cloth who is sexually aroused by children and has offended against his immediate family?

    This is the reasoning that has ushered the Williams out of the parish. Their bias leads them to believe that these incidents were isolated , which is statistically improbable if they are true.

  10. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Is it a coincidence that the year Matthew was diagnosed and medicated for bi-polar disorder was the same year he allegedly raped his 15 year old goddaughter? Could it be that feelings of guilt over what happened with his goddaughter spurred him to see a mental health professional? Was he required by his bishops to get psychological help?
    If Matthew has truly done these things, which sadly seems to be the case, he should publicly apologize and accept the consequences of his actions. If Elizabeth as well as priest and bishops were involved in covering up the alleged rape of a 15 year old girl, preventing her from getting the help and compassion she desperately needed, they should publicly apologize and accept the consequences of their actions.
    If the accusations are true, for the sake of the victims, their families, and the members of the church community that have been pulled, against their will, into this horrible drama, a public apology would be the compassionate and noble thing to do.
    Most of us can’t know for sure what has actually happened yet we are all hurt by this drama. Clear and bold honesty from those who do know would help tremendously in the healing process for all.

  11. Ruth Stern8:53 PM

    This blog has been extremely damaging to my church community. These anonymous post are disgusting. The lack of transparency and communication in this whole situation is forced people into gossiping for information instead of offering up. This blog has zero interest in supporting our community. It's given the illusion that nefarious narratives are being put forward.

    I cannot hardly stand the idea of continuing to be Orthodox. And that was the whole point wasn't it? Mission accomplished. We'll be lucky if have any parish to complain about come pascha.

    In 4 years I have been members in two highly disfunctional parishes. What a pity. Orthodoxy was so perfect and beautiful. Shame on the parish, leadership, and bishops. What an all out failure. It's a wonder the church has lasted centuries.

  12. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Ruth, Let me understand you... Because of a Fallen Sinful Man and his Family who tried to hide their family's sin, and cover it up, so those of us who are outraged at the entire family's overwhelming sense of entitlement are speaking out, and that is a problem for you?

    Many would love to speak out publicly but the backlash from the family is just too much. And they are afraid of what measures will be taken to make them be silent. This is a fact, and you nor your family have not been in church for weeks you have no idea the damage they are spewing in the church.

    1. Let me make myself clear, I respect the Bishops decision. The Bishop prayed and has the wisdom (and accountability) of Christ. I think we owe it to our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Christ to support them on their next steps. The Williams family has dutifully served this parish for many years. They like all of us are in the wake of a devastating storm.

      My husband works as a first responder in a rural area with a worker shortage. Our commute to church is an hour and 15 minutes over iron mountain or Sams Gap which is sensitive to weather. We spent Western Christmas visiting Holy Myrrhbearers, Christ the Savior and the monastery clinging desperately to the faith. And seeking fellowship.

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      As another parishioner, I am confused by these references to “backlash from the family” and fear of measures taken to silence those who disagree. I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen this. It’s being made to sound like the Williams “clan” is a mafia-like entity exerting control over the parish. If there are specific things that have taken place that have caused this, then please share. Help us understand. Please. Otherwise you cannot blame so many of us for being frustrated and also for not wanting to turn on a woman and her children after their father has left them behind in his abhorrent mess. I saw a family still trying to attend church services after a trauma. Most of the adult children grew up in the parish, this is all the younger ones have ever known.

      We can speculate all we want, but we have no way of actually knowing much they knew/if abuse was covered up. To me, the Christian way would be to err on the side of mercy and forgiveness for them now that the predator is gone. One can only imagine the toll that living under a narcissistic and an abuser must take. He is manipulative. Surely he could have manipulated and fooled his own family for years. They were the ones who loved him the most, and couple that with Orthodox elevation of the “man of the house” and the spiritual father teachings and you’ve got a recipe for unchecked abuse. I pity them.

      I agree that the complete lack of transparency from so many has been the most damaging part of this. There should have been a parish-wide meeting, instead of hundreds of side conversations, private phone calls, and anonymous comments. Sure, the meeting could’ve descended into a massive argument and it likely would have, but at least we’d have tried. The claimed evidence (recordings, letters) should have been shared.

      It feels cowardly to make anonymous comments. It does feel like a safety issue at this point, however. We’ve had parishioners threatening violence, and they weren’t people from the Williams family.

    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Threatening violence? If I you are speaking about who I believe. Then that is a clear example of their libel and slander. Ask him yourself what he said exactly. Anyone from the military will recognize it as humor. Dark humor? Absolutely. Everyone of the wagons absolutely blew it up about what he said. Then come to find out the labels and all the crap stirring is from the Williams’ in-Laws. Matter of fact how is a joke about that is equivalent to the saying “your gonna need a bigger boat” the same as members of the family, who know he doesn’t carry a gun, just straight up say “if he comes on this property I’m going to shoot him” THIS is a threat.

      And yes the Williams do have a mafia esque relationship with the parishioners. It’s a personality cult they have, anyone seeking their grace will go forth immediately and swiftly. I’ve watched this happen. Weird how this personality cult is causing a shism like Bishop Jerome says in his interview about isolationism in Christians.

      There are member who have had a camera shoved in their face by people in the Williams, DURING SERVICE of all things to record what people are saying. If what is being said about them is so false, where is the proof?

      Their innocence is not the accusers burden to prove. Yet all they have done is ostracize a family of a “crazy man”. Actually I’ll just go ahead and say the hypocrisy. If you wanted him gone because he’s truly unhinged? Cool. But why did everyone basically forget his PREGNANT wife? Why did everyone pull their support from her? Why did they cancel the original baby shower plan that was set long before the drama at the last second. They claim he’s a wife beater but he has proof that he isn’t, and a court decision AGAINST the accuser for that. Thats how you prove innocence. He didn’t shame people for calling him crazy, matter of fact he admits that the way he did it wasn’t the best and wish he’d done better.

      So where is all this vitriol and disgust that was directed towards an actual innocent family. Where is it for the Shepherds family who let a wolf walk amongst the flock for months on end. Where?

      There’s a lot of emotions coming about and it’s clouding a lot of people’s judgment. Look towards all the questions people are asking. Why weren’t they actually answered in Elizabeth’s letter of “transparency”. That letter was an absolute nothing but another attempt to appeal towards emotion and offer no real answers.

      As for the Matthew fooled his family for so long. For how many years were they married. Do you realize how long that is to keep lying? Do you know how exhausting it is for people lie for extended periods of time? That why interrogations last so long. In a long period of time, they make mistakes they slip up. But how was he able to become a priest if he can slip up? Because he had help.

      And also, if you release a letter of transparency, but then proceed to tell people to come to only you in private for “the real answers”, away from other eyes. How can we believe anything you say if your proof of innocence needs to be kept under guise?

    4. Scandalous my foot. If he did all this stuff and did it to his own goddaughter and more, there's no excuse for any of it.

  13. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Please be grateful that you have not seen that side of the family. It is ugly to be a target of theirs. The name calling, the personal attacks on character. Just because our Abusers are the nicest people you ever met does not mean that I have not experienced what I have. Be grateful you are not a target. Yes, this is happening to several members of this church that dared to express their feelings that Matuska and her adult children and their spouses knew he was off his medication and doing bad things and warned none of us! They closed ranks and circled the wagons, and if you are not with them then you are attacked. Had a child not told an adult what was happening in that house no one would have ever found out and the abuse of the people in that church would be happening today! So Yes Matushka and her adult children are doing this to members of this church. No sympathy for a situation they helped create.

  14. Anonymous11:44 AM

    The wife and family of a priest, as members of the church, are also expected to show obedience to ecclesiastical authority, not send flying monkeys to do her bidding to undo a binding official directive.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Are you referring to the "Service's in the Field" thing she is organizing? Pretty sure the Bishop told them to go to another church, not to do your own thing and cause a deeper divide in the congregation. Her and the "Family's" time in Blountville has run its course... Time to move on, and just rebuild your lives far from those you have harmed.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      They are attending another parish.

      Some parishioners were talking about getting together to pray an Akathist with her and her family.

      She’s encouraging everyone to continue attending St. Tikhons.

      Let’s not exaggerate.

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Anon 4:47
      Ok then. Let’s look at the facts then.

      Yes she is attending another parish.

      Yet the same day the Ukase is given, there are posts on Social Media that are shaming the Hierarchy, a lot of name throwing, a lot of attacks on character. Uh oh isn’t that the same thing that was considered not ok when the finger is pointed to Elizabeth and company? Rules for thee but not for me right?

      What was the post ultimately about? To email and pressure the hierarchy into reversing their decision.

      Matter of fact there are members of the family openly supporting what the Post is serving to do.

      Fine ok, do what you must to voice your opinion on the matter. But the fact that you have family members Openly supporting the defiance of a Ukase does not look like obedience. To half-obey is to still be disobeying an order of the organization that you have cultivated yourself in.

      An akathist, outside of the church is still, doing your own thing.

      What possible action can her and peers performing this outside of the church show. That indeed there is an in group or cool kids club. Could her having this what’s basically a private meeting cause more tension? Yes.

      Them continuing to inject themselves into the former or current parishioners lives is toxic. If you take her actions and put them into the scope of an abuser, particularly a narcissistic one. She will start checking multiple boxes.

      But like the editor said. Hurt people, hurt people.

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Anon 6:25, are you familiar with the concept of "friendship"? It seems like you might need to look it up.

    5. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Anon, I'm unsure if you're Orthodox, but it's quite common for friends to get together and read akathists, especially in hard times. I'm not sure what you're getting at exactly, but it's definitely not some sort of subversive secret service.

      You can order beautiful little akathist booklets from any monastery for reading at home.

    6. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Ah I see that people are going to them for the simple fact of friends.

      Well what kind of friend would Elizabeth be to despite her spiritual father’s directive allow a pedophile around her friend’s children?

      What kind of friend is she, that when the news came down, kept the “truth” so close to the chest, especially when multiple people were being spiritually abused?

      Dare I say, an awful one? One that has not since apologized for her actions, shown no remorse whatsoever.

      Why would you willfully associate yourself with a family who has pulled so many strings to try and stay at a church whose husband has hurt so many people. Because she also was hurt? My my my it seems they really have their hooks in people and it either questions their own character or at least their judgment.

      But ok, so we’ve addressed the Akathist. I’ll accept the answer of friends. Even though if you were friends you don’t need the excuse of prayer to meet, sounds like another meeting in disguise honestly.

      How about the other facts that were presented? No well of course we don’t completely address the argument. We just appeal to emotion again with me needing friends.

    7. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Anon said: “Yet the same day the Ukase is given, there are posts on Social Media that are shaming the Hierarchy, a lot of name throwing, a lot of attacks on character.”

      I see that crucial point got ignored by the flying monkeys (FM’s). This is at the root along with the FM’s simultaneously spreading all sorts of crazy rumors everywhere they go. The gaslighting, fake virtue signaling and undermining is clear for all to see.

    8. Anonymous11:23 AM

      As members of this community, we must remain vigilant against attempts to silence the truth and distort the narrative. Accountability and transparency are not negotiable. Let us stand firm in supporting those who have been harmed and reject any efforts to undermine justice or discredit those seeking it.

  15. Anonymous6:29 PM

    “The present situation is caused by victims having flashbacks and remembering childhood events, not recent actions.”

    Yes it is recent actions. We were all told through word of mouth from parishioners he was gone because of firstly“sexual abuse against his daughters.” The pastoral abuse of him prying sensitive details from parishioners during confession was also a reason but the sexual abuse was at the forefront. Don’t be mistaken by this letter folks.

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Yes clearly whoever spoke to the editor to post this was coached by the family.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Yes, abuse that happened a while ago. Maybe be slightly quieter when your only knowledge is from gossip.

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Yes we are all aware the sexual abuse happened a while ago, probably around the same time he abused Carole’s daughter. The present situation is ALSO caused by him using his position as priest to abuse parishioners mentally, spiritually, and psychologically.

      The gossip is a result of no transparency from anyone involved.

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      And the lack of transparency is a result of people like you, who will take any opportunity to attack. Who would want to give you any truth, when it's simply a knife for you to use?

    5. Anonymous6:51 PM

      It’s understandable that emotions run high in situations like this, especially when the information available is incomplete or communicated through unofficial channels. However, it’s important to separate the underlying issues from the way they’re being discussed.

      Firstly, the lack of transparency from anyone often creates an environment ripe for speculation and gossip. When one fails to communicate clearly and address things openly, people will fill in the gaps, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This doesn’t mean the concerns raised are invalid—it highlights the need for clear, truthful communication from those involved to prevent further harm or division.

      Secondly, the focus here should be on the actions that caused harm—past or present—and ensuring accountability and healing for those affected. Dismissing concerns as “gossip” or suggesting that people are looking for reasons to “attack” only diverts attention from the real issues and fuels further division.

      Ultimately, clarity, accountability, and compassion are essential in moving forward. Everyone has a responsibility to seek and share truth carefully, but those involved has the greatest responsibility to provide it and foster a safe space for healing and reconciliation.

      This approach validates concerns without fueling the conflict and emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability.

    6. Anonymous7:13 PM

      So Elizabeth from the beginning didn’t say anything or set her record straight because she was being attacked, how does that work? Before anyone even knew anything and she went on with the illusion the priest was sound.

      John 3:20-21:
      “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

    7. Anonymous7:21 PM


      How would the truth be in anyway of being another knife if it in fact an actual reason for not turning him in, unless the truth is just another deflection of her responsibilities of her prior title and position.

      Which as everyone knows is quite literally Little Mother. Her blood is thicker yes but she held a motherly responsibility to protect all the children and vulnerable of the parish.

      Which she didn’t.

      The why is important.
      And if she cannot say the reason in the open then it is quite damning of her part in this.

    8. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Because in order for any more of the truth to come out, all of it will have to, and the victims don't want those details to be public. This is not unreasonable, and makes me wonder why you want the tittilating details. Maybe Fr. Matthew had more effect on you then you realize...

    9. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Oh no an attack on my character! Such a great argument on the defenses’ behalf.

      Please, we don’t want details. Just like saying the Matthew committed abuse, no one needed details with that, it isn’t detailed but it’s enough to condemn him.

      Do not confuse my questions as a personal attack on you. I am not your enemy. I am asking questions that refused to be answered
      And that really leads to why?

      Why are there only a select few that are allowed to know the whole truth.

      It is very common in an argument that when someone cannot soundly defend what they believe in, emotion and insults will ensue.

      I implore you to take a step back and look at this from an outsiders’ perspective and see how the lack of transparency is not helping her and only causing more divide.

      If Matthew can be accused with very few words, they can censor details but give concise reasons to not speak as well.

      There is a caveat, the reasons are not sound if they are just more deflection and any lack of remorse will be detected. She has not taken accountability for anything.

      I say it once again, what kind of Shepherd allows a wolf to stalk and kill his flock? Would you call this shepherd a friend? Would you want that shepherd to watch over YOUR flock? Would you let them hold any kind of responsibility that holds your flock’s safety?

      If yes then the shepherd has lied or one’s own personal judgment of character needs to be questioned.

    10. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Because it's not any business of the public. You are the public. You may petition the rector to know more, but you have no right to any information beyond what you have been told.

    11. Anonymous10:45 PM

      And why not speak more? Simple. It will make law enforcement's job harder.

    12. Anonymous8:55 AM


      It quite actually is public business. This involved two public figures whose lives might be private, but their actions affected the wellbeing and safety of the public.

      Why would I believe anything else unless it is coming from the horses mouth? Not a proxy they’ve convinced to fight their fight.

      If my children were put in danger I have that right to know what stopped her from reporting a pedophile. Because point blank she never reported to law enforcement.
      Call my bluff, call the sheriffs office, ask them when and if Elizabeth reported it in a timely appropriate manner. Matter of fact I beg anyone reading this to call my bluff. Just so that people can see the lies that are being spread.

      Im sorry it is hard to believe that a long time friend of yours is equally responsible for the downfall of the community.

      I wish people were right as much as they are passionate.

    13. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Anon 10:41 We haven’t been told anything at all from anyone and only very little officially being the resignation of FM and the ukase for the Williams to depart. We’ve been forced to speculate and come to our own conclusions. This all has been handled atrociously from everyone.

    14. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Tell it to the rector (Mark Mancuso). It is his job to handle this, and the only reason this article went out is because he has not performed any crucial pastoral care. It is not my job.

    15. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Anon 8:02 I pray for your eyes to open to what’s right in front of you and whispering in your ear.

      Proverbs 24:11-12:

      “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Behold, we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will He not repay man according to his work?”

    16. I am deeply disappointed in Fr. Mark Mancuso but knowing other things I know.. that is not surprising that this happened... sick.

  16. Editor's advice: When the word "you " is used directed to another commenter, it borders on ad hominem. The JTO comment section not a chat room.

  17. The JTO Editor moderates/reads each post prior to posting. Current petty sniping will not be posted. JTO Comment section is not a place for personal conversations or chats. If commenters know one another they would be better served meeting at a coffee shop to talk or getting on the phone and praying with one another.

  18. Anonymous5:38 AM

    If the St. Tikhon parish is shutdown because of this continual infighting, all of the arguments being made will be of no consequence. The Williams family will likely be allowed to return to the parish in the future, if a parish still exists.

    The Williams family should accept their removal and pray to God for peace and to understand God’s purpose. Other parishioners should accept that FMW will be defrocked and not return. Everyone had an opportunity to speak their mind during the two scheduled sessions. If you still have more to say, call or email the rector. We should all pray to understand God’s purpose for our current struggle.

    As to the sexual abuse charges, I’m confident they have been reported and the legal system will now decide if the allegation have sufficient merit to justify an arrest and prosecution. If FMW is arrested and prosecuted we will all eventually know.

    The pastoral abuse allegations are numerous and anyone at the parish should know this. Anyone who is not aware, should spend time talking to other parishioners. An argument can be made that FMW should have been removed and defrocked for these abuses alone.

    We all are struggling and should find our peace in God. The men of the Church are not perfect. Law enforcement is not perfect. Demanding a perfect resolution to St Tikhon’s problems will only end in disappointment.

    The St.Tikhon parish will survive only if we choose for it to survive.

  19. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The fact remains that Elizabeth and Matthew harassed my daughter at college to keep them safe once I found out about the assault and began my own investigation to pinpoint where to make my police report before the statute of limitations expired. This was twelve years ago. Elizabeth herself sent my daughter home crying and told her that no one should ever find out about this attack. Bipolar disorders are real, I guess, but also an excuse for bad behavior. Does that give a person license to shoot up a restaurant or a movie theater? Position is what she wanted to protect at great cost to my family. Had I found out after the event and still within my parental rights I would have prosecuted. It sounds like she didn’t protect her own children for the sake of position. What are you defending ? I knew them as newlyweds and five years before the assault on my child. Betrayal at its worst!

    1. From JTO Editor: Although seemingly sincere, this comment included the very accusations it proposed to squelch. JTO has posted it with those accusations redacted.
      COMMENT: Carol to this day I’ve heard slander about you. I pray they are not true for the simple fact it shows more lies that they are spreading to anyone they perceive as opposition.
      Some of the things I’ve heard about you is [redacted by JTO Editor]. These are all attacks on your character and serve to discredit your arguments against the family.
      Funny enough a pattern has emerged when during the initial drop of the news, they also discredited a family that wanted to speak out and ostracize them from the church community.
      All these things have been said in confidence of the rest of the church and I would like to know if these claims have merit.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      This is definitely a pattern of behavior that Elizabeth has displayed. It is not just one family that was slandered, threatened with arrest, told that they are crazy only to discredit thrm when we speak out. These are the most damaged of his victims of Pastoral Abuse that are being targeted.

      Some one explain how in the world a police investigation on FMW for sexual assault would be damaged by Exposing his family's behavior towards those who were abused by her husband? It doesn't just another effort to side step any responsibility.

  20. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The situation of a woman enduring alleged mental abuse from her priest husband for 27 years, while he remained in ministry, raises serious ethical and moral concerns. While no one can fully understand the complexities of her circumstances, it’s important to reflect on why allowing this to continue unchecked was deeply problematic—not just for her but for the broader community.

    First, the priesthood is a position of immense trust and spiritual authority. If someone is abusive in their private life, it is reasonable to question their ability to lead others with integrity and care. Abuse in any form—mental, spiritual, or otherwise—can deeply harm the victims, and allowing such an individual to remain in ministry risks enabling further harm to others.

    Second, enduring abuse silently, though often a result of fear or manipulation, can unintentionally enable the abuser to continue unchecked. In this case, the alleged victim’s silence meant that her husband’s abusive behavior could extend beyond their home and into the lives of parishioners. This raises the question of accountability: was there an opportunity to seek help or intervention that could have prevented harm to others?

    Finally, transparency and accountability are essential in the Church, especially regarding those in positions of power. While it’s vital to approach such situations with compassion for the abused, it is also necessary to advocate for the protection of the broader community. Failing to address abuse—whether through silence, fear, or systemic inaction—can lead to widespread harm and erode trust in the Church’s leadership.

    This situation underscores the importance of creating safe avenues for victims to report abuse and ensuring that leaders are held accountable. Abuse, whether in the home or in ministry, must never be tolerated, and the Church must prioritize protecting the vulnerable and ensuring that its leaders embody the virtues they are called to uphold.

  21. Anonymous8:47 PM

    This letter is such a weak plea and feeble attempt to paint Elizabeth in the right light while also attempting to blame FMWs downward spiral on his mental illness. Anyone with discernment is not buying this PR stunt from the Williams clan and their Flying Monkeys.


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