
Monday, March 14, 2011

World Orthodox, Patriarch of Constantinople, Antichrist- An Unholy Trinity

My wife and I are currently looking for a house in a small Tennessee community so that we might be closer to our church. We have taken the time to meet some of the town folk. There is quite an assortment of modern people in the eclectic little town, a blend of artsy and rural, those who don't want things to change, and those who demand change. In talking with some of the business owners, I have discovered that it is not the regular folk, nor even the stronghold of Wiccans that oppress the people, surpress the economy, and attempt to get the community to adapt to their religious dogmas and way of life. It is the religious people, the prominent churches, in the area, controlled by the Freemasons. The thought struck me as I read the news release below, that it becomes clearer and clearer that it is not the pagans, the non-Christians, and the like, who are persecuting the Church in that last days, but it is the united world religious institutions that have become servants of Antichrist. What will it take for you to realized that World Orthodoxy, and its spokesman, the Patriarch of Constantanople, has become the tool of Antichrist? Will you remain a Frog In Boiling Water or will you come out of her?

"Yesterday Greek police stationed on Mount Athos arrested Fr. Gregory of Esphigmenou Monastery. He was then removed from Mount Athos. Fr. Gregory is one of the leading fathers of Esphigmenou Monastery.

He is the editor of the Monastery's bi-monthly publication, Boanerges (Sons of Thunders; Mark 3:17 ) that is read by True Orthodox Christians throughout the world. Boanerges is the best periodical published by the True Orthodox and the arrest of Fr. Gregory is an attempt to sever the bond that True Orthodox Christians all over the world have with the Monastery.

This violation of the basic human rights of the 107 fathers of the Monastery is perpetrated by the Greek Government on behalf of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The voice of the Esphigmenou fathers which boldly proclaims the Orthodox Faith becomes louder with each attack against the Monastery. Please keep all the fathers in your prayers.

In Christ,
+Fr. Panagiotes"


  1. This is sad news indeed. I see now that the "Green Patriarch" is also now an expert on Nuclear Power and telling the world to abandon it. I swear Nathan, the majority of "Orthodox" I meet are sleepwalking.

  2. The EC pontificates about green energy while his handful of Greek faithful in Turkey suffer, and still he uses the New Calendar and won't repent of the error of this.

  3. Please do not assume that just because we have not cut off communion with the rest of the Jurisdictions, that we agree with the Phanar. I am in the OCA and though we are not recognized by the EP, we concelebrate with the Greek New calendarists. But there are many clergy and laity that watch very closely the ecumenist issue. We choose however to act as St. Justin and St. Silouan did and not leave the church, but live within it, withdraw into the heart and pray. This is our way. Please understand that we do not wish for schism, this is why we do what we do. We watch and pray. God bless you.


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