Journey To orthodoxy
One God One Faith One Baptism- My Journey To, Through and Out of Orthodoxy
Friday, January 17, 2025
Biblical Unitarians: Who and What Are They?
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Father Matthew Williams Has "Formerly Resigned"
Even though ROCOR has taken some action in the matter of the alleged sexual crimes and misconduct of one of their priests, they seemingly did so via the current mounting pressure from numerous accusers. One might wonder however, why ROCOR allowed this suspended priest to resign rather than make an ecclesiastical decision to remove him. So, it was his choice? Is ROCOR about to do the RC thing and heal him, restore him, and send nim back into a parish as a changed man?
This begs the question: What must a priest do and how many victims must come forward for you to determine that a ROCOR shepherd is a wolf?
In recent communications from ROCOR representatives the word "healing' is often used in regard to the victims of the recent event. (Although they are still deathly silent on the former matter of the alleged rape of the Stephens girl) ROCOR might garner more trust from its parishioners if they were to have said, "Father Matthew Williams has been removed from his rectorship." ROCOR will only garner the trust of the victims, many of whom hold them accountable for their decade-long lack of action, if they finally say, "Father Matthew Williams has been defrocked and is no longer a ROCOR priest."
The JTO blog is a small media outlet but within the last few weeks has had over 14,000 views from over 40 countries/territories. Other outlets are now picking up the story such as Orthodox Christian Sexual Abuse Facebook Page. The JTO series Rape and the Holy Man was also recently linked on Donald Trump's Truth Social.ROCOR, the world is watching, but more importantly, our Father Yahweh and his son and our messiah, Yeshua, the head of the church- your head- is watching.
hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord.
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people.
But now I am writing you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a brother but is sexually immoral
Expel the wicked man from among you.”
Monday, January 13, 2025
"They Look Like Men"
Full Article Here |
"He said that at Protestant churches, the majority of the leaders “aren’t good, strong men”, whereas the Orthodox church leaders are more like “father figures”. He said: “They look like men. They look like fathers, they’re strong, spiritually, mentally, physically... I think young men right now are yearning to follow a good father.”
With the exception of ROCOR which knowingly ordains pedophiles and sexual abusers, and which has a Sexual Abuse Policy that favors the protection of the clergy rather than the victims?
Father Seraphim, will you enlist some of those masculine men to encourage ROCOR to change their policy and to advocate for the protection of the clergy abuse victims? Apparently, some of their clergy have been allowed for years to be less than masculine fathers and anything but strong, spiritually, mentally and physically whole. ROCOR has a history of ignoring the petitions of the weak and fatherless and those who would advocate for them. Perhaps the ROCOR Hierarchy will listen to men with muscles?
Friday, January 10, 2025
Stand When Others Won't
One such chapel service was honoring the ROTC program and its students. Several faculty and others were seated on the stage, and I was sitting toward the middle of the packed auditorium on the aisle seat.
At one point in the short one-hour service, the ROTC Color Guard, carrying the United States flag, began to process down the middle aisle. I immediately stood to my feet, as is the custom, out of respect and honor of our nation's emblem. A girl sitting next to me stood up when I did. I was surprised when no one else in the auditorium stood and thought that surely, at any second, a member of the faculty would issue the instruction for others to stand. The moment passed and no one did.
So, this left me and my cohort in an unintended act of patriotic rebellion, the only ones standing in a crowd of about 1000 during what seemed to be the longest ROTC Color Guard procession in history. Once the Color Guard stopped, my female friend, whom I had not previously met, joined me in sitting back down in our seats.
For a brief moment, I wondered if I had erred somehow. Should I have sat back down when I saw others weren't standing? I certainly didn't intend to make a statement but was doing what was the right thing to do. I quickly concluded that it was the 1000 students and our faculty who had erred. After the service, one of the faculty made a b-line for me and said, "Thanks for standing. We should have. We missed it there."
The righteous man does good even when no one is watching and sometimes when they are. Are you willing to Stand When Others Won't?
"So whoever knows the right thing to do
and fails to do it, for him it is sin."
Freedom in Caring for Others
Brothers and sisters, if a person gets entrapped in some transgression, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of meekness, watching out for yourself so that you also will not be tempted. Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving himself. But let each person examine his own work and then he will have reason for boasting in himself alone and not in another. For each person will have to carry his own load. The one who is being instructed in the word should share fully with the one who is instructing him in all good things. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap life in the age to come. Now let us not grow weary in doing what is good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, but especially to those who are of the household of the faith. Galatians 6: 1-10
Thursday, January 09, 2025
Appeal To His Eminence NICHOLAS
Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia |
Your Eminence,Your people are hurting. It is partly due to the spiritual failures of your predecessor who ordained sexual predators even with much evidence of the nature of their character. It is also partially due to ROCOR's existing Sexual Abuse Policy that leans heavily toward protecting the clergy rather than the victims of sexual abuse in your churches. Rebuke, rewrite and retrain. This systemically flawed design in dealing with sexual predators in your ranks has trickled down to the clergy on every level. Those who would report the perpetrators of sexual abuse are met with obfuscation, intimidated and threats. Surely this is not what you want. Surely you can be the Shepherd who puts in place biblical principles regarding this leaven in the body of Christ and truly protect your sheep.Your people are hurting. Lives are being destroyed, and souls are being lost under your watch. What will you now do? I appeal to you to take this matter out of the hands of those to whom it has previously been delegated and personally direct ROCOR toward true holiness.I appeal to you to publicly confess the failures of ROCOR (regardless of what your attorneys or advisors may tell you). Be transparent/public in announcing a plan to correct this failure. To do otherwise at this juncture will assure that ROCOR continues its rapid trajectory toward civil humiliation and accountability."Come to an agreement with your accuser quickly, while you are with him on the road to court, otherwise your accuser may deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. Truly I say to you, you will absolutely not get out of there until you have paid the last quadrans."Respectfully,Nathan Lee LewisJTO Editor
NOTE: Public letters, such as the one posted here, have a better chance of bypassing the gatekeepers that are in place in such religious institutions. Those who have been personally affected by past or recent sexual abuse events in ROCOR may consider contacting:
It is recommended that a second contact be made if there is no response, then a third, then a fourth...if need be.