
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Orthodox Problems...Not So Much

When my former priest in the Charismatic Episcopal Church set aside his Holy Orders in that communion to become Orthodox, other CEC priests looked East as well. Some of his fellow priests were dissuaded by those around them as they were made aware of various problems that exist in the Orthodox Church. I told him, "Father, just ask them,'would they rather deal with problems and know they are within the original true church or stay outside and deal with the same problems'?"

To once more quote my priest, Father Steven Rogers, as he sat in his office and pointed toward the temple. "Just remember, there are people over there." Make no mistake by the entries on this BLOG and lest you use any of the Church's challenges as fodder to decide not to be Orthodox, the Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is the original Church and "Orthodox" is synonymous with "Christian". I love the Holy Trinity and His Church. I will serve Him in His Church for the rest of my life. Now if it weren't for those darned people!

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