
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A Blast Is Coming, ROCOR

ROCOR, do you not fear the Lord Your God? You have sinned against Yahweh. Be sure your sin will find you out. You have invited, fed, clothed, and protected the sexually deviant wolves who devour God's people. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, that will he also reap. WATCH what the Lord does!


"Your own wickedness will correct you, and your backsliding will reprove you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and a bitter one, that you have forsaken Yahweh your God and that my fear is not in you, says the Lord Yahweh of Armies. 

According to what I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same. By the breath of God they perish. By the blast of his anger are they consumed.

Have you not known? Have you not heard? Have you not been told from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to live in; who brings rulers to nothing, who makes the judges of the earth nothing at all. They are barely planted; they are barely sown, their trunk has barely taken root in the ground when he blows on them and they wither and the whirlwind takes them away as stubble.

Many shepherds have destroyed my vineyard, they have trampled my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. They have made it a desolation; it mourns to me, being desolate; the whole land is made desolate because no man lays it to heart.” Destroyers have come on all the bare heights in the wilderness, for the sword of Yahweh devours from the one end of the land even to the other end of the land: no flesh has peace. They have sown wheat and have reaped thorns; they have tired themselves out but profit nothing. And you will be ashamed of your harvests, because of the fierce anger of Yahweh.

For they sow the wind, and they will reap the whirlwind."


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Ready for it. Let's go...they need to be held accountable.

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Let’s go!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    This doesn’t prove anything

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    no one in ROCOR cares about your opinions. This "blog" is a bunch of gossip and lies.

    1. Neither does ROCOR care about the documentation or personal testimonies of victims when it comes to sexual abusers in their clergy ranks. Gossip and lies? Examples?

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Source that this is lies and gossip?


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