
Monday, July 31, 2006

Kingdom Films

The logo here was designed by my wife, Cynthia. It is the Logo for my Independent Motion Picture Production Company, Kingdom Films. The dilemma I face is the fact that it was designed before I became Orthodox. The sword is a Catholic King's Sword and the banner reads Adventiat Regnum Tuus or Thy Kingdom Come, from the latin Vulgate. Initially I considered redesigning the logo but lately I have been wondering if I should change the name of the company. "Kingdom" to me, has always reflected a time when God and country were conjoined and the government ruled by theocratic principals. It was a time of honor, morality and chivalry. The problem I have run into is the fact that the word "kingdom" in the Bible Belt has been usurped by evangelical protestants and is used to identify religious movements, doctrines, and ideology that are not historic or Orthodox. The question I must often field is, "Do you produce Christian films?" To answer this question I am forced to deal with the asker's definition of "Christian". I have seen many "Christian" films and am convinced that if any one of them died at the box office it would not go to heaven. They are typically artistically poor, creatively lacking, narrow in scope, demagogue in message and completely embarrassing.

I do not make "Christian Films" for I find no place in scripture or tradition that allows for a film to have an eternal soul. If I could create a "Christian Film" I would surely be a little higher than the angels rather than a little lower. I am a Christian who makes films. I am an artist as is a painter, a sculpture, a dancer, a singer. I reflect the world and the state of the human condition through my art as would any of these. I am a reflection of my Creator. I create, for He creates. He has made me so. It is he who has created me and I detest any who would attempt to recreate me in their image of what a filmmaker should be.

I am still wading my way through my place in the Orthodox world in light of the fact that I am in an industry that is traditionally considered morally corrupt and a tool of anti-Christ. I would lay down my art in a second were I to believe that the film industry is the forbidden fruit and no person of faith is to eat of it. I, however, believe it is possible to be in the garden and obey God's restrictions. Surely to "be in the world but not of it" applies to the film industry as well.

In an attempt to define my creative and spiritual path as a filmmaker, I have published a Creed. It is not so much for those who would consider doing business with me as it is to set a standard before my eyes so that I will not falter.


We believe the authentic art of filmmaking has intrinsic value and is divine in its origins.

We believe art does not earn value just because it serves some human intent; rather, it is inherently valuable because the very act of creating is a reflection of the Creator.

We believe there should be no segregation of "religious" and "secular" artistic subject matter, for reality, like God, is One.

We believe the depiction of debase human behavior as gratuitous entertainment is destructive to the individual and to society as a whole.

We believe the realistic, germane, artistic depiction of debase human behavior is not inherently the endorsement of it.

We believe "Adventiat Regnum Tuus" as an infinite truth.

This brings us back to the question of a name for my company. Considering all that you have read here, what do you think would be the best name for my company? Is there a company name that would reflect the values that I hold while assuring that I am not mistaken for an evangelical demagogue whose amateur films consist of three points and a prayer? Mel already has the apropos Icon Pictures. What should I have? With this question comes this announcement:

Please use the comment button below to leave your suggestion as to what to re-name my Independent Motion Picture Production Company. I will select the best entry within the next few weeks. The winning entry will win a one-line part in one of my upcoming feature film productions. We will bring you to the set, take care of all your expenses and pay you standard industry rate for your work. You will get the celebrity treatment! So start the creative juices flowing and you might even say a prayer or two. Enter quickly.
This contest will close without notice.
For more information on my company and its projects go to:


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Just to get the conversation going, how about Crux Films. It doesn't roll of the tongue that well, but its kind of a neat word. It's latin for cross, can be a metaphor for success and inspiration, is the critical point in a spiritual decision, and can also mean "the heart of the matter." It's also an edgy, Gen-X sounding word. I'll think on it a bit more....

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Gee, I was hoping to see some really cool names out there. What happened? Burgundy Road Films is kinda cool since it evokes the path of holy blood. Did you finally go with something?

  3. Well, I guess no one wants to be in the movies. For now we will keep the name, Kingdom Films. It doesn't seem to be hurting us with our current projects and in fact seems to lend credibility as to our ethical and moral standing to do business.


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