
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Mike Huckabee-Candidate for President

I commend to you my former Governor, employer, and friend, Mike Huckabee. I can attest to his character, conservatism, compassion, morality, honesty, intense intelligence, wisdom, amazing communication skills, and ability to cross party lines while keeping his principles intact. Mr. Huckabee is what you see. There is no hidden personality, mask, or persona. He was a Republican Governor in a Democratic state and won election and reelection by wide margins. He speaks from the heart and not from the script. He is a balance of grit and diplomacy in this time of peril and division. Mike Huckabee's faith in God is genuine and consistent. His is a personal faith not a political convenience. Journey to Orthodoxy commends this Baptist brother from Hope, Arkansas. He is the real deal in a time when such is needed in our country. Now if only he was Orthodox...(Just kidding Governor... But, if you need this good Southern Baptist boy, turned Orthodox, for anything, just call!)

(Republican Debate)
MR BLITZER: Governor Huckabee, at a previous debate, you and two of your colleagues indicated that you do not believe in evolution. You’re an ordained minister. What do you believe? Is it the story of creation as it is reported in the Bible or described in the Bible?
MR. HUCKABEE: It’s interesting that that question would even be asked of somebody running for president. I’m not planning on writing the curriculum for an eighth-grade science book. I’m asking for the opportunity to be president of the United States.
But you’ve raised the question, so let me answer it. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.” To me it’s pretty simple, a person either believes that God created this process or believes that it was an accident and that it just happened all on its own.
And the basic question was an unfair question because it simply asks us in a simplistic manner whether or not we believed — in my view — whether there’s a God or not. Well let me be very clear: I believe there is a God. I believe there is a God who was active in the creation process. Now, how did he do it, and when did he do it, and how long did he take? I don’t honestly know, and I don’t think knowing that would make me a better or a worse president.
But I’ll tell you what I can tell the country. If they want a president who doesn’t believe in God, there’s probably plenty of choices. But if I’m selected as president of this country, they’ll have one who believes in those words that God did create. And as the words of Martin Luther, “Here I stand. I can do no other.” And I will not take that back.
MR. BLITZER: Governor, but — but — (applause) — I think the specific question — the specific question is do you believe literally it was done in six days and it occurred 6,000 years ago?
MR. HUCKABEE: No, I did answer that, Wolf. I said I don’t know. My point is, I don’t know; I wasn’t there. (Laughter.) But I believe whether God did it in six days or whether he did it in six days that represented periods of time, he did it, and that’s what’s important.

1 comment:

  1. All too often, we are forced to mix our religious and political beliefs into one system. To ask a politician what his belief system is may very well commit political suicide. I am reading more about this person as a viable option for my beloved GOP. If he is as strong in faith as he is in the political arena, he may very well have my vote....


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