
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Motion Picture For Life

If you have not had the opportunity to thread the needle of the blogging world you may not know that I am a film producer. I am the Executive Producer of Kingdom Film, Inc. That may sound impressive, but in actuality KFI is one of thousands of such independent film companies across the world. The uniqueness of KFI however is the creed that guides our artistic endeavors and the fact that, although I am an Orthodox Christian, KFI is NOT a "Christian Film Company." What is a Christian Film anyway? Does that mean that if it dies at the box office it goes to heaven? I am a Christian who makes films. I do not make Christian films. I have seen Christian films and most are not a pretty sight.

In the grand scheme of things, KFI seems to be filling the void that exists because of the lack of vision the Church has had in communicating the mind and will of God through the art form of film making. In fact, the Orthodox Church has barely discovered the technology called television. So, alas, we artistic types, realizing that we too are called to, "Go into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature..." , find ourselves in the wild world of the film industry surrounded by peculiar creatures indeed. Many of our Christian brethren do not like the fact that we are sitting at the table of the publicans and the sinners, but Christ does because He did. We eat their food, drink their beverages and smoke their leaves (at least the legal ones). We have become all things to all people so that we might win a few, while holding to the tenant, "being in the world but not of it...". We love people into the Kingdom by accepting them as the King does. No guilt, no condemnation, no judgment. The Love of God is shed all people.

To display the Love of God to the world in which we live, KFI chooses projects that speak to the spiritual and physical needs of all mankind. One such project is the true story of several thousand aborted fetuses found in a rented trash container. This pro-life look at the abortion industry is seen through the eyes of an investigative reporter. Without divulging the title or the book on which the film is based, let me invite you to support KFI and its producers in this valuable effort. Such a film is missions 101. The film project is non-religious, void of demagoguery, and designed to be a cutting edge message to all fabrics of society. With the new open environment to "faith based films", this KFI feature film project is positioned to be controversial and poignant in a way that will rally ticket buyers on both sides of the abortion issue.

KFI welcomes qualified investors to participate financially in bringing this film to the screen. will provide you info on my company and a couple of our endeavors. You can contact KFI at that site. There has never been a better time than right now for such a project.

[Update: Kingdom Films Inc. has been dissolved. Current projects by Nathan Lee Lewis can be seen at]

I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Great stuff, Nathan! I love the website, and the company creed. I remember talking to you about those things when I was in your class, and you recommended Franky Schaeffer's book. Have you recently read any other good books on theology and the arts? Do you know of any such books from an Orthodox perspective? If not, you should write one!

  2. Greetings from the Middle East!

    I like the blog and will check it out on a regular basis. I also want to let Orthodox Christians out there know that there are many opportunities for long-term and short-term missionary work among the Orthodox churches here.

    If you are interested please contact me at winterlightning [at] safe-mail [d0t] net


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