
Friday, June 27, 2008

Update From Our Beloved Brother-Father David Moretti

Moretti Update: Summer 2008

To all who are dear to us and follow our nomadic lifestyle!

Christ is in our midst! He is and ever shall be!

Well here it is June 27, 2008 and while most of my fellow graduates are LONG GONE our family remains here in Northeast Pennsylvania. We have found out from our beloved Bishop MARK that we are to be assigned to Saint George Orthodox Church in Terre Haute, Indiana.

We will be making our move within the next two weeks and our first official weekend there will be for the Feast of Saint Elijah (July 20th)! You see! There are no accidents. As the God-father to Skyler Elijah this day, of course, has special meaning to our family. We are also ecstatic about being back in the Midwest!

The parish has recently celebrated its 80th Anniversary and though we are already working on revising the website, here is the current one. It is also providential that Saint George is one of the very few parishes in the Antiochian Archdiocese that actually has a rectory. Given the last three years have been "sans-income" it is going a real blessing to have a home without having to search or have to come up with a down-payment!

Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition and pray for the community of Saint George, our new home!

Love, In Christ,

Father David, Presvytera Diane, Anthony, Sofia, Theo, Gecky, Rob & Jeannie

1 comment:

  1. Brian3:08 PM

    It is sad reading this considering recent events.


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