
Monday, September 01, 2008

Thanks, but NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been inundated with e-mail forwards to almost all of my e-mail addresses. It seems the Evangelicals make best use of this impersonal method of communication. I try to take time to personally answer these forwards, especially the ones that are most provoking. I think it shocks the senders-they certainly don't expect to hear back from anyone when they push that forward button. Out of sight out of mind- no responsibility or accountability. My message to them...Quit it if you don't want to hear it! Here is my latest retort to someone who thought I might be inspired by anything Rick Warren says:

Dear Friend,

The Rick Warren update forwarded to my KFI Business account is an unfortunate substitute for a personal message. I have no interest in what he says or "thinks" (a word he uses often). I do care about what you think. I met Rick when he was a skinny newly graduated religious diatribe at California Baptist College. My cousin also is on his staff. Warren has already admitted the hollowness of his own ministry and church. It is regretful he couldn't have learned that in 1974 when I met him. Could have saved he and thousands of people from entering the mire of the western evangelical church which is a far cry from the original church of the Apostles-The Orthodox Church. He has sold a lot of books though. Rick Warren is a flash in the evangelical pan. I would rather quote men like St. Ignatius who lived and walked personally with the Apostles and Christ himself. But I'd be willing to bet Rick's followers have never heard of St Ignatius, Iranaeus, Justin Martyr, Clement of Rome or any of the Early Church Fathers who were too busy getting torn apart by lions to negotiate a book deal. They would have very little in common doctrinally or method-wise.

Please forgive my strong response, I seem to get more than my share of forwarded evangelical tripe. You are not the first one who has had both barrels let loose on them for not thinking through to whom they are communicating. I am not an evangelical, protestant or western Christian. I am part of the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church- Eastern Orthodox of Antioch, where we were first called Christians. The undivided, unbroken, original Church for over 2000 years. It took me 50 years to wade through the Warrenesque noise and find the faith of our fathers. I think I'll stay. When it gets too noisy for you I invite you to join me.

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