
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Journey To (In) Orthodoxy

Since the likelihood of you reading all 400 posts on the JTO blog is relatively small, let me bring you up to date by bullet-pointing my 50+ year Journey To Orthodoxy.

As I was standing at our family alter this week I had an epiphany. For 50+ years I have been on a Journey To Orthodoxy but I am now on a Journey IN Orthodoxy. With our recent entry into a local Tennessee ROCA parish, that has remained free of ecumenism, is full of grace, and is established in a community ethos, our feet are firmly planted in the Church. I can feel my soul beginning to quiet and the noise of the Journey beginning to hush.

JTO has been about my Journey in finding the Orthodox Chruch by  discovering, and exposing, the myriad of heretical and heterodox doctrines, movements, denominations that pose as the church. I imagine that there will still be a measure of that discovering and exposing on this site, as that is the nature of sounding the trumpet of truth, but I will be sharing more of my inward journey of theosis as God gives me grace.

If this blog wasn't so firmly established as Journey TO I might change it to Journey IN. Perhaps there will always be an element of both, but I am moving forward with a new focus.


  1. I'm one of those few who've read every post. :-)

  2. Welcome Nathan, Xanthia, Seraphima & Chloe Lewis! We are so happy to have you with us. [And I'm really glad to have another blogger in the parish besides me.]

    The journey "to" Orthodoxy shifts to a journey "in" Orthodoxy. The first quest is fulfilled and now another work begins. When I first came to Rocor [from the OCA] I put my focus on the Cup. My whole week was a preparation for receiving Holy Communion, starting Monday. I had to put on those blinders like you see on a horse, because EVERYTHING tried to distract me.

    I did not miss a single opportunity to commune. I felt compelled by two thoughts. one was that I had missed too many liturgies already in my life. And the other thought was that someday there may not be a priest available. [And that "someday" is here now.]

    The "To" and "In" also reminds me of what was said of Fr. Seraphim Rose - that before he found Orthodoxy he suffered for the lack of it. But once he found his place in Orthodoxy, he suffered for the sake of it.

  3. Joanna! Thank you so much. We are indeed blessed to be entering a time IN our journey where we are not looking to the left or to the right, nor behind, but are setting our gaze straight ahead toward the mark of the prize of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus.

    I love the quote by Fr. Seraphim Roze and can relate. I hope he won't mind me using it...perhaps I'll ask him!

  4. VSO, You are an encouragement. I just went to your blog. I am sorry it has been so long since I visited!

    By the way... regarding having read all of my posts- get a life :)

    Oh yes, I love your Profile shot. My fourth daughter just turned 21 and she specifically requested to see you at our local Flying Saucer Pub. I granted that request!

  5. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I am very interested to see what is to come! It is kind of like a single person looking for the right spouse and finally comes the actual day to day living in the marriage!

  6. Greetings!

    I am former bishop Juan (in the Anglican continuum), myself on a journey to Holy Orthodoxy. I sent you a message via my Facebook account. Hope we can get in touch!

    Sincerely, Germán

  7. German,
    Christ is born! Please forgive. I did not receive a message on FB. I may have received a friend request from you and deleted it not knowing who you were. I would love to talk with you. Please use the JTO e-mail address.

  8. Excellent!

    I'll write you later on in the day.

    In Christ,


  9. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Alas, for the sectarian impulse! When will such a spirit finally be satisfied to have found the Real, Genuine, Authentic, Really Orthodox Orthodox Church?

  10. Christ and His disciples were quite sectarian. "Straight is the path and narrow is the way and few there be that find it." The alternative is Ecumenism,(Everyone has a measure of truth, and that is okay) which seems to be what your question is advocating. When will such a spirit be satisfied? When one communes with a "real, genuine, authentic, really orthodox church" know, the one Christ said, "the gates of hell will not prevail against." It is still here, you know.

  11. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Mr. Lewis,

    I pray that God blesses you and your family on your continued journey. I am with one of the local Orthodox Churches (HOCNA) which has recognized ecumenism for its heretical nature, and struggles to confess the Orthodox Faith as God gives us the strength to do so (despite our personal sins).

    The Confessing Orthodox Church lives at a time when the seduction of ecumenism is strong, and very successful. Despite the attacks against us "schismatics" and "fanatics", we must be faithful.

    In Christ,


  12. Hello James!

    I honor HOCNA for remaining true to the faith(despite her personal sins).

    Thank you so much for praying for us. It is a wonderful time and joy abounds.

    Come back often to JTO and feel free to e-mail me if you like.


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