
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Year Litany For Billy Homer Lewis

Litany of Fervent Supplication for Billy Homer Lewis on the One Year Anniversary of his Death

Have mercy on us, o God, According to they great mercy, we pray Thee, hear us and have mercy.

Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Again let us pray for the repose of the soul of the departed servant of God, and that he may be pardoned all his sins, voluntary and involuntary. That the Lord will assign his soul to where the Just repose. The mercies of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the forgiveness of his sins, let us ask of Christ, our immortal King and our God.

Grant this o Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who hast trampled down death, defeated the devil, and given life to Thy world. Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Billy Homer Lewis, in a place of light, in a place of green pasture, in a place of revival, whence all pain, sorrow and sighing have fled away. Forgive every sin committed by him in thought, word and deed, in Thy goodness and love for men, O God. For there is no one who lives without sinning: Thou alone art without sin, and Thy justice is eternal justice, and Thy Word is Truth. For Thou are the Resurrection, the Life and the Repose of Thy departed servant, O Christ our God, and to Thee we send up glory, with Thy Eternal Father, and Thy all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

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