
Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanks To All JTO Readers!

JTO has never advertised or made any effort to increase readership through search engines or any other technological means. Even with that, JTO still gets almost 4000 readers a month, and has 54 regular subscribers from almost every country on the planet. Most who read JTO come here on purpose. We have many friends on other blogs and websites. Some of our articles have been copied, translated and shared in other forums in other countries. From Bishops to laymen, I am always amazed that anyone would want to hear what I have to say. Thank you for linking us. I am always pleased to see traffic coming via your blogs. I am  honored. I also enjoy when we are able to share e-mails and in other ways shrink the size of the cyberworld in which we blog. Meeting some of you by Skype has been a treat. Somehow, the world seems smaller when that happens.Whether you are a regular JTO Reader or just happened to stop by, you are always welcome!

If you are a commenter, thank you for your continued kind and encouraging words and participation as I share my Journey To Orthodoxy. Some, I must thank for your correction and instruction, done with civility and love. I hope my education has been your education. If you are one of those who has preferred to attack, criticize, malign and basically consider JTO and me an enemy of the people, God Bless You! I pray now for you and your journey and offer this piece of advise. If JTO causes you pain-get out of the fire! Go away and don't look back. We are not out to change the world here, just to share our journey. Go work on yours and be blessed. Are you still here? I said, "GO!" :)  

THANKS Again! Keep praying for me as I will for you. Lest this sounds like a goodbye, let me be clear. As we say in the mountains of Tennessee, "I ain't going nowhere."

Remember: You can always reach me by e-mail ( unless you are one of the three abusers who have gotten the boot. Only three in six years! Sounds like I have been given the grace of patience. But we still love you "booties" and hope you still read JTO on the sly. It will do you some good!

God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.
Christ is in our midst.
Nathan Lee Lewis
JTO Editor

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