
Sunday, November 02, 2014


"Since the saints are constantly inflamed by longing for Him and

mystically INSPIRED 

by Him, they write sometimes to bewail [express great regret, disappointment, or bitterness over something] the possessions of others, sometimes they expose their own failures, and at times they recount with gratitude the blessing bestowed on them and the workings of grace. They sing theological hymns of praise to him who by His divine working has transformed them. At other times, if they hear anything that has been erroneously and faultily expressed concerning the salvation of our souls, they set it right in accordance with the measure of the knowledge (cf. Rom. 12:3) that has been given them. 

They put this in WRITING 

and bring in testimonies from the divine Scriptures without being able to rest or be satisfied with that which they have expounded. How is it that they are able to do all these things? Because they are no longer their own (cf. 1 Cor. 6:19) but belong to the Spirit who is in them. He moves them and is Himself moved by them. In them He becomes all the things about which you hear in the divine Scriptures concerning the kingdom of heaven- 
  • a pearl (cf.Mt. 13:46),
  • a mustard seed (cf. Mt.13:31; Mk. 4:31),
  • leaven (cf. Mt. 13:33; Lk. 13:21)
  • water, fire (cf. Mt. 3:11; Lk. 12:49)
  • bread (cf. Jn. 6:32-33),
  • drink of life.

He becomes a

  • living fountain springing forth, 
  • a river flowing with spiritual words (Jn. 4:17)
  • word of divine life,
  • a lamp (cf. Mt 5:15),
  • bed, marriage bed, wedding chamber (Matt.22;10)
  • bridegroom (Mt 25:1)
  • friend, brother, father.

But why do I try with many words to expound the whole matter--the terms are without number! For how can a tongue measure what "eye hath not seen nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived" (1 Cor 2:9) and express it in words? In no way whatever! For even if we possessed all these things within us because we carry with us God who supplies them, yet we cannot measure our minds, nor in any way explain them by word." Saint Symeon The New Theologian

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