
Friday, September 16, 2016

Truth On A T-Shirt


  1. Nathan: I'm still learning about Orthodoxy, so the Orthodox don't believe this do they? It's just that I haven't read that in anything yet. Anna

  2. Don't believe what? The post is a commentary on the man-made theology called Calvinism. Orthodox are not Calvinists.

  3. I was asking if the Orthodox believe in Calvinism because as a person who is just beginning in Orthodoxy, I haven't read about it anywhere in Orthodox materials.

  4. No. Orthodoxy and Calvinism are vastly different in theology, world view and ecclesiology. Calvinists differ greatly even from other Protestants.

  5. I had once had a conversation with the son of a very close friend. The son had become a Calvinist. He was sincere and loving, but very dogmatic when he pronounced that because I did not adhere to the tenets of Calvinism, I was not a Christian at all and was bound for hell. This is cultist thinking. I have hope that, someday, I will have a subsequent conversation where the son tells me he has found the original faith of our fathers- the Orthodox Christian Church.


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