
Monday, June 26, 2023

UFO And Aliens Are A Joke, Right?

1 comment:

  1. I believe 'Aliens' are actually angels. Believed that for a long time. I reached that conclusion because of hearing my kooky Calvinist young-Earth Creationist friends say, "Intelligent life doesn't exist anywhere else in the Universe. If it did, then Jesus would have to die for them too! So neener neener. I am the center of the entire Universe."
    It doesn't take much study of the Bible to realize that God made intelligent (higher than man, probably) life in the Universe and called them Angels. Jesus did not die for the angels. Only for human-kind. Angels have never, nor will they ever be given the opportunity to partake in the redemption story. So did/could God create intelligent life outside of Earth somewhere in this vast universe without contradicting the Bible and His redemption plans on Earth?? YES, of course.

    Aliens are most likely Angels. Fallen or not. They exist in a different dimension, and apparently are trying to break through to ours. I suspect Angels have the same challenges as we do.... how do you break through to this other realm? They have broken through on several occasions and made contact and communication (Eve and her Apple, Angels showing up during Sodom's Pride parade, etc), but their reach into our reach seems to be limited and spotty. Perhaps it is a struggle and challenge to breakthrough to our dimension? Perhaps they even argue amongst themselves asking, "Do humans really exist?" Other angels scoff and say, "Oh, there goes Lucifer again, ranting those conspiracies about humans and God visiting Earth and stuff. sheesh"

    Whatever the case, yes, I believe Aliens are actually Angels, and mankind is being groomed (once again) for contact and communication one day soon.
    Joseph Dutton

    PS. Not mentioned in the video is all this current glut of sci-fi and super-hero movies dealing with the 'multiverse' or multiple dimensions. I suspect this is more prep of humanity to meet up with beings from the angelic realm.


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