ROCOR! It is incumbent on you to act now on behalf of Carole Stephens, her daughter, and her entire family. JTO will facilitate a meeting or communication with her. Please contact via You already have her documentation and testimony in Rape and the Holy Man and in your office via a hard copy report sent to and received by your Metropolitan Hilarion. Look again now with fresh eyes at the criminal conduct of Matthew and Elizabeth Williams and some of your own clergy.
"Better is open reproof than hidden love" Proverbs 27:5
The following is a new statement from Carole Anne Stephens:
To whom it may concern:
I am grieved to hear about the recent allegations of Father Matthew Williams assault on the parishioners at St Tikhon. I always suspected that since he was so protected by his wife and parishioners and allowed to be ordained as a priest after attacking my own 15-year-old daughter in 2008, that he could eventually victimize his own children.I was not informed about the attack upon my own daughter until she was in college in 2012 (when my eldest son informed me) and she had passed the age of my parental rights. My whole family became homeless as a result of my own investigation and complaints filed with the metropolitan of the ROCOR. I was deemed a rabblerousing instigator at many parishes where I tried to seek help and lost our property that Matthew's father, the late Father Gregory Williams of the Church of the Annunciation, was selling us on a land contract. My daughter suffered a nervous breakdown at the University of Tennessee and was hindered in her studies for a few years. I am not sure she ever recovered and is unwilling to come forward.Only, Father Gordon Walker of St. Ignatius in Franklin TN, and Reader, Nathan Lee Lewis were willing to take my part. Father Gordon fell ill with cancer shortly after and passed away. Among those who accused me of slander were Father Christopher Stanton, brother-in-law to Matthew, and Father Kentigern McCaffrey of Cullman, Alabama.Sadly, we were betrayed by the very godparents of my children, Matthew and Elizbeth and Eleni Jolly, who was the personal godmother of my daughter. Eleni kept silent when I entrusted her to pick my daughter up from the bus station after being sent home after the sexual assault by Matthew. Elizabeth Williams warned my daughter, that "this should never be found out". My daughter had served Elizabeth with childcare and was attacked while at their home near Roswell, Georgia. I filed a police report once I found out, but without my daughter, I had no case. She was over eighteen years of age by then. It was just filed away. My daughter cried jagged tears and spoke with Father Anastasy Yatrelis by phone upon returning from Georgia. Eleni swore she would not tell her parents of her emotional condition. Later, after I found out, Eleni said she did not know why my daughter was crying but allowed her to call Father Anastasy from her house. My daughter and her two daughters were friends. All of my attempts to contact Fr. Anastasy were ignored.Matthew and Elizabeth did try to apologize by phone once the formal complaint hit the desk of the metropolitan. We went 'round and ' round for hours in this conversation with no real admission of the details. They had a lot at stake. I confronted Father John Oliver at St. Elizabeth's in Murfreesboro, TN as he was the one who set up the phone conversation after Matthew had consulted him. Father John had always been" inaccessible", so it was odd that he should call me. I went to see him at his church in person and he told me he never knew why Matthew wanted to contact me. Father Sommers from the metropolitan office was trying to get me to dismiss the issue with a light apology. Everything that was written by Nathan Lee Lewis in his article, "Rape and the Holy Man" is accurate and true. He is the only one who tried to bring justice.Sincerely, Carole Anne Stephens
Statements will be taken by Fr Mark Mancuso and Fr Alexandre Antchoutine this weekend at St. Tikhon's. The hours are:
9:30am - 12:30pm
1:30pm -4:30pm
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Was this information posted publicly anywhere? I checked the parish website and facebook page and didn't see it.
DeleteSince abused people are likely to move to a different parish, I don't see how it helps the investigation to ask parish regulars about their experiences.
Well, if it’s possible come to St Tikhons this weekend. You’ll have a chance to speak to the church about your experience.
ReplyDeleteI see that Carole is getting her own daughter's age wrong now. Previously, the assault occurred in 2004. How odd.
ReplyDeleteIs that all you got to try to discredit her ANON? That she misspoke and said 2008 instead of 2004? How odd.
DeleteAnon 2004, you have inspired me to compile similar comments which attack the mother and defend the perpetrator and posting them in a separate article now that Matthew Williams has been found out. Hey Anon, where is Matthew Williams right now and how is St. Tikhon fairing? And you want to cast dispersion on a courageous mother. I would call you despicable, but I would be violating my own rule on this blog not to name-call, so I won't call you despicable, sad, part of the problem, and the like.
DeleteI'm not "that anon", but I heard he's staying with a lady named Catherine. Idk if that's true anymore. The church seems good. A lot of sad people, but the people I know are still O.K. Matushka is a rock. The poor woman has clearly been abused.
DeleteIt has been a long time of pain and suffering. Go ahead and join all of those who continue to discredit me. If you haven’t suffered enough already, continue to support pedophiles presiding over the church and see how many more will be hurt. I suffered, my entire family suffered loss. My daughter suffered.
ReplyDeleteI am just curious what is your end game? What is it that you want to happen Carol? I just not sure what you want the end result to be. Your daughter refuses to come forward, and wants nothing g to do with this situation. What is it that you would like to come out of these post?
ReplyDeleteAssuming this comment is directed at the JTO Editor: "Game"? For one, it would be nice to see both you and ROCOR not be so cavalier concerning the very real suffering the victims have endured. "Game?" As for the motivation of the JTO Editor: That has been specifically spelled out in numerous articles which included very specific exhortations to those involved to follow the Biblical and Civil mandates regarding sexual abusers in their midst. I also am curious: What are you doing to fulfil those responsibilities besides challenging those of us who are? What is your end "game?"
DeleteAlso "end game" commenter: Two of Carole's objectives have been achieved. 1. Metropolitan Hilarion is no longer ordaining sexual predators, as he is dead. 2. Matthew Willians has been exposed. Future objectives might be 1. Matthew Williams be deposed via a spiritual court 2. Matthew Williams be arrested and convicted via criminal court 3. The clerics adn others who failed to report what they knew about Matthew Williams be disciplined and trained in their spiritual and civil responsibilities in such matters 4. ROCOR rewrite their sexual abuse policy making it heavy on protecting the victims rather than shielding the perpetrators.
DeleteIt is clear that endgame here means "final goal". I would hope that an accomplished author such as yourself would understand how endgame does not necessarily mean that the endeavor is a game.
I am simply curious as to your endgame. You are no longer Orthodox. You clearly have no compassion for victims of sexual assault and abuse, attacking some them yourself. I do not see what you gain from this.
The 2004 incident was not investigated because the victim refused to testify. This is corroborated by her own words. You have built a remarkable narrative around these words, picking and choosing what to believe, often ignoring that most valuable razor of Occam.
I will pray for you, but I must ask you to stop your tirades. The help you can provide has already been provided. Now you simply add chaos and darkness.
With my love,
The Unworthy M
Unworthy M, Apparently, you felt worthy enough to post an ad hominem-filled comment. I published it to show others the "circle the wagons" cult that surrounds events like ROCOR has created. It is this kind of push back and psychological manipulation that victims and their advocates must endure. No. As long as I have grace to speak, I will. Proverbs 31:8-9 - "Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy."
DeleteUnworthy M, I recommend you watch the movie, Spotlight, if you haven't already. You may see yourself in one of the many characters who protected the institution rather than the individual abuse victims. You are welcome to email me at Any further discourse here, makes the issue about me...but that is the bait you have thrown out here, isn't it?
DeleteAnother letter full of nothing being said and just another attempt of damage control.
DeleteUnworthy M, as in Matushka? Lmao, get off your high horse, your family does not hold any power anymore. So why is it you still have the same privileges you once had. Why send a letter from your personal email when you shouldn’t have that kind of access anymore?
The attack on evil is not evil in itself. What does the editor not being orthodox have ANYTHING to do with him bringing the corruption to light?
The whole response from you is oozing of condescension.
If the editor had no compassion for the alleged victims, why is he trying so hard to bring this light? He is one of the few good people who are not willing to let this go by.
Your whole argument hinges on people taking pity on the accomplice of Mathew and the others who enabled him. There clearly is much to hide especially with how quickly people were turned to a campaign smear to draw them away from asking questions. Questions like, WHY DID YOU LET HIM AROUND OUR CHILDREN WHEN YOU KNEW OF HIS APPETITES.
Apologies to the editor if any ad-hominems were used in this repose to “Unworthy M”
lol even the signature tries to get people to sympathize with her.
The razor of Occam, can you just speak plainly instead of trying to word salad everything?
DeleteSure we’ll play by your rules. What’s the simplest answer why you didn’t report Matthew? Because you are just as guilty as he is and the skeletons of your helping covering up past crimes are now brought into question.
Well! I am certainly not Matushka! I do hope that all these people saying such horrible things about her get what's coming to them, though. If you actually ask her about what's happened and what she knew and did, the story becomes much clearer, and some interesting details emerge. I encourage anyone with questions to ask her those questions! I had many answered myself.
the Unworthy M (not E)
Unworthy M, Carole Stephens did "actually ask her (Elizabeth) about what's happened and what she knew and did" and "the story became much clearer, and some interesting details emerged." "I encourage anyone with questions to ask her (Carole) those questions! I had many answered myself." The only "horrible things" I have seen in these comments is what JTO has been posting for six years, that she failed to disclose the crimes of her husband. This failure on her part has contributed to the aforementioned "chaos and darkness" that you have attempted to lay at the feet of JTO. BTW: JTO would welcome a statement from Elizabeth concerning Rape and the Holy Man.
DeleteGo talk to Elizabeth and make things clear? Isn’t that what her letter of “transparency” was supposed to address? All that was in the letter is the same begging for sympathy and attacks on people who are rightfully angry with the situation and with Elizabeth and Matthew. Only now recently is anything being done.
DeleteWhy do I need to hear an answer that’s being said in a private conversation? The whole situation stinks and the attack on people’s character who are willing to demand for real answers is the downfall of a free society and the rising of a fascist empire.
Why not respond with more answers and less appeals to emotion.
My end game is now and will always be my salvation. All of your objectives are being met. . Our voices have been heard. He will face Moral Court and be Defrocked. He will face the justice system. And we can all begin to heal.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what else we are accomplishing at this point. When does it become vengeance, and counterproductive to our own salvation.
In this situation the goal should not be our own salvation, but the healing and salvation of the victims ROCOR allowed to be abused by their sin and disobedience to the tenants of the faith. How many victims have left the faith because of ROCOR and their clergy? What about the victim's salvation? ROCOR, like you, seem to have as their main goal their own self-preservation. "Greater love has no man but that he lay down his life for a friend." In this you find your salvation. ROCOR has lost credibly and are no longer worthy of trust. We will not know that our voices have been heard until we hear from ROCOR. This includes Carole Stephens, whom ROCOR has yet to contact. Until then, ROCOR will face the ramifications of their actions even to the point of civil action and monetary restitution for THEIR victims.
DeleteProper Justice is not vengeance. Making sure EVERYONE responsible for the children harmed is not vengeance it is justice.
DeleteStopping at Mathew would be an injustice to all of the victims because he had people who not only harbored his behavior but go to lengths to cover up his crimes. They need to be in a court of law.
This is not vengeance but righteous justice.
Okay, so your goal is now clear. Monetary compensation... I get it now. It is all good. And I too am one of his victims. And as an Orthodox Christian I believe my goal is to Confess, repent, and commune. I seek no monetary gain from my church. I will pray for you!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, if you are a victim as you say, I am so sorry for what you have endured. There is a church court and a civil/criminal court. We are commanded to render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's. If an individual or organization has committed a crime, it is to be handled in the civil/criminal court. Your church even says they believe that. We are quick to say that if Matthew Williams committed a crime he should be dealt with outside the church, but to suggest there may be civil ramifications for ROCOR for enabling this priest to commit his crimes, somehow that is a nefarious "goal"? I don't think you do "get it" if that is all you have taken from six years of JTO posts.
DeleteAre you serious? Because if Carole wanted monetary compensation she would have taken the “shut up” money from Elizabeth and Matthew.
DeleteWhat we want are for criminals and a CHILD PREDATOR AND HIS ACCOMPLICES TO BE PUT IN JAIL.
I think what everyone wants is accountability from ROCOR and the accused. ROCOR needs to audit their churches before this becomes an invasive problem. Too many churches are left to their own devices and amass an unhealthy attachment to their priest and the bad habits they allow to fester within. Accountability and action is what is needed. No amount of money can redeem what has been lost. Pray for us.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, thanks for your work! If these allegations are true, have you shared your findings with Melanie Sakoda of the Orthodox chapter of SNAP, the Survivors Network (
Snap was contacted six years ago- no response. Perhaps it will be different this time.
DeleteNo offense but Carol and her other children are also victims here. Stop shaming the victim(s).
ReplyDeleteAdditional things that should occur: Make it crystal clear to all diocese moving forward that investigation of accusations of sexual misconduct by a family member, in-law or someone associated with the accused is TOTALLY inappropriate. This is a complete and utter breakdown (willful or inadvertent) of proper methodology to investigate abuse allegations.
Anon @ 6:42 "TOTALLY inappropriate". "Proper methodology"? What has been exposed is ROCOR's own faulty methodology. Your recommendation would have had Carole Stephens silenced years ago as that seemed to be many clergy's methodology along the way. ROCOR failed to act and now they are reaping the whirlwind. They are responsible for the spiritual carnage that now ravages their people. There would be no "moving forward" if people, especially relatives, had not taken to the airwaves. I am certain that if I were still Orthodox some clergy somewhere would be threatening me to silence as they attempted to do six years ago- See Rape and the Holy Man again, in particular Father Mark Rowe and Metropolitan Hilarion of disgraced repose.
DeleteEven Nathan is being attacked for trying to bring abuse within the church to light. I communicated with both SNAP and years ago to get support. I also went to attorneys, even a female attorney, who pointed out how church hierarchs do circle their wagons. In my personal investigation, speaking with a district attorney, I was told that there were six priests on their roles facing prosecution for child abuse. I am a former missionary wife in Mexico and Central America, who had small children with me on the mission field. I remember such complaints from local girls being assaulted by catholic priests. That is why SNAP exists. With all of the child trafficking being allowed world wide, with the U.S. being the biggest patron of such, how can you defend the position of anyone who would hurt a child? All of our children are at risk for being snatched and sold just for trying to live. "Amber Alert" was created in memory of a 10 year old girl named Amber who was out riding her bike and was raped and killed, her body dumped in a lake. What are you EVEN defending? Children are coerced in schools and the perpetrators are fired and prosecuted. All school personnel have to be fingerprinted and investigated before entering teaching programs and before hire, yet some do still emerge.
ReplyDeleteTo my understanding, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was founded as a refuge for the persecuted underground church in atheist regimes. How can it now cover up the most innocent over whom we are to be stewards? Our children are not our possessions. We are gifted with the stewardship over their welfare, and their souls. It would be better for a millstone to be hanged about our necks and we be cast into the depths of the sea than to permit that any harm be done to these little ones, as states the scripture: "Matthew 18:5-7 KJV. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." This is not a GAME. There is no END GAME! The church needs purification. Even the Paul was constantly warning the Church. .Children need good stewards, good guidance and protection in churches, in schools, and in their homes. There are enough predators running loose to hurt our kids. Can the church not be a refuge? I lost my home and had to sleep in a car over this. My children have to question the validity of the church they were raised in. Looking through history, apostolic succession means nothing if the heart of the priest is corrupt. What is your game?
Does anyone actually know what Carole's daughter said to Fr. Anastasy on the phone right after the assault?