
Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Happy Nativity!


Yeshua is the Messiah, the MAN Christ Jesus. The only begotten son at birth to be the mediator between Yahweh and men. 
1 Tim. 2:5
For there is one God and one mediator between God and humankind, a man, Christ Jesus...
Yeshua is the "son of man", the "son of David", the "son of God", not God the son. He has a God and Father, the same God and Father of us all. 
John 20:17
Yeshua taught us to worship the One True God, the Father, his God and our God. He never asked us to worship him and never claimed to be his own father, Yahweh. Even in his glorified body, it is the Son of MAN who sits at the right hand of His Father. Yeshua will return, although he does not know when, only his Father and his God knows the hour. Yeshua will reign with his chosen on this Earth. His Kingdom will be for 1000 years, then he will hand all The Kingdom back to His God and our God.
1 Cor. 15: 20-28
But in fact, Christ has been raised from among the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came by a man, the resurrection of the dead also came by a man. For just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then those who are Christ’s, at his coming. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to his God and Father, after he brings to an end every ruler and every authority and power. For it is necessary for him to reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy that will be brought to an end is death. For He has put all things in subjection under his feet. But when it says, “all things” have been put in subjection, it is clear that the One who subjected all things to him is not included. And when all things have been put in subjection to him, then the Son will subject himself to Him who put all things in subjection to him, so that God is all in all.

If Yeshua is fully God and Fully man, you would have to believe that he subjected himself to himself after having originally subjected all things to himself. This is nonsensical. Or as the Orthodox Hierarchy would simply say, "It is a mystery."  Or you can consider that Yeshua was the long prophesied human messiah, the divinely conceived man, and Yahweh was his God and Father to whom he was subject, not only in his short time on Earth but in heaven and in the Kingdom to come.

All of this is in the Holy Scriptures you claim to follow. Believe the words of Yeshua not the religious tradition into which you were born. Look it up folks. The hour is late. "Hear oh Israel the Lord our God is ONE God"---not three different persons in one. That three-part view, simply put, is from pagan influence that crept into the church and not solidified until about 600 years after the church was established, thanks to the Roman Emperor Constantine and his successors.

Orthodox people! Search out history and the scripture and do not accept at face value the folklore with which you are presented by your gatekeepers. Reference other related posts on this blog and the links provided for a more in-depth theological study on the topic.

New Year's resolution recommendation: Purchase the following book or read it for free, to see the true documented history of the early church and some of your "saints". It is not what you have been told. Then ask your priests and bishops hard and probing questions about the Trinity Doctrine. You will be met with subterfuge, illogical double-speak, incomplete answers, and the phrase "it's a mystery" will come up a lot, and "because the church says so". You may even be ostracized for daring to question.  Choose this day whom you will serve.

In my journey out of orthodoxy, I was shocked to find how often Church Fathers are referenced for the validity of doctrines when NO records exist. The following book contains the only existing records of the "Early Church Fathers" regarding the late, innovative trinity doctrine.  Read it and then determine why you believe what you believe. Isn't this what God requires of us all? "Be diligent to present yourself approved before God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."

Not an easy read but may change your life.

May 2025 be the year of your illumination and deliverance. Come join the movement to restore the Church to the original doctrines of the faith. A true 21st Century Restoration. Or you can just call me a heretic, attack my person, cast dispersion on my character and question my status as a Christian. That way you can bypass these doctrinal questions and remain in your stupor. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Comment to A Commenter on Rape and the Holy Man

To whomever posted this Anonymous comment on Rape and the Holy Man:

"The reports have been made, all those who need contacting have been informed. Nothing is going to be rushed. This will take time to sort out."
What reports have been made? Who has been contacted and informed? It is this kind of cryptic tid-bit of information that contributes to the accusation of cover-up and subterfuge. If this commenter is one who has authority, then say so with a name and with all transparency. Let these hurting people know that their leaders are not going to sweep this under the carpet...again.

Rush? Take time? ROCOR has had almost 20 years in regard to Matthew Williams. Do you want another 20? No. You will not be able to wait this one out and hope things die down. Not this time. Be sure your sins have found you out. Admit your failures and redemption will be found. Train all of your clergy in your own requirements in dealing with Sexual Abuse in the Church. Then defrock any clergy who fails to follow your own guidelines. Continue to cover up and obfuscate and you will see ROCOR diminish.

Know this for certain, this former Orthodox Reader and former CBS local news producer will not go away until those of the clergy who failed to protect your flock from this alleged rapist are held to account. If you have not already contacted each of them whose names you have known and whose photos are displayed in a prior post, then your promise that "all those who need contacting have been informed" is false and your words

ROCOR! Clean your house, rather, the House of God. If you don't, HE will. It may be time for good whipping.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Final Warning And A Hope - Sent To Matthew Williams

I sent this "final warning and a hope" by registered mail to Matthew Williams. It was signed for by him on January 28th, 2019. It was a handwritten, double spaced 2 1/2-page letter. Here is the context:

Matthew - "Gift of the Lord",

The grace of our Lord has been extended to you, for His love is enduring and He knows that we are but dust and are but sinners saved by His grace. He does require, now, that you confess your sin to your bishop - the sin of sexual violation of an innocent, and the sin of lying to those in spiritual authority over you. He will not, now, hesitate to cover His Church, sheltering its members under His wings. The Church is His and He is jealous for it. For this reason He is issuing you a final warning and a hope- "Whoever conceals his transgression will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." Your Lord would remind you once more - only once more - "If you will confess/admit your sin, He will be faithful and just to forgive you your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness." Your soul will be restored and your family will be strengthened and intact. But you will not be a priest. If you do not confess/admit your sin, you will be as the sinning King David and your son will be your Absolom. And you still will not be a priest.
1/21/19   4:07 p.m.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Rape and the Holy Man Part Three -All are Punished!

Since the priests and the bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) previously refused to obey the biblical example of removing an unrepentant sinner from their midst, or even follow their own rules, Regarding Sexual Misconduct by Clergy.docx, perhaps we will allow Shakespeare to pronounce the judgement of God:

"And I for winking at your discords too
Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished."

Six years ago, JTO posted the article Rape and the Holy Man, exposing through documentation the alleged sexual misconduct of Father Matthew Williams and the sin of the ROCOR church clergy who hid, squelched, and otherwise silenced the topic from public discourse. In the intervening years, Metropolitan Hilarion even publicly awarded the accused priest for his "long years of faithful service."

This week, after another alleged victim's frantic appeal to Moscow to intervene, Father Matthew Williams was reportedly suspended. New allegations have come to light. One accusation of sexual abuse at the hands of Father Matthew has reportedly come from his own daughter, now a married adult. Father Williams' name has been removed from the parish website and an interim priest has been installed. Father Matthew Williams is reportedly being cloistered at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.

JTO has received numerous emails and blog comments concerning recent and past events, and none of the correspondence removes Father Matthew's wife from culpability. In fact, there are renewed accusations that she has enabled her husband to continue his "ministry" unabated. These accusations extend back 10 years or more when the mother of the subject of Rape and the Holy Man sent a scathing letter to Matthew and Elizabeth Williams chiding them for their self-preservation and spiritual hypocrisy.
"[I] thought you were different[.] [I] thought you were the makings of one with a beautiful wife at your officer of the orthodox church. [W]hat about you.? You have confirmed in your own God children that God doesn[']t matter in the face of temptation. I would like an explanation from your wife and from you.  You can ignore me, but that [won't] make the reality disappear that you have done this to us."

All are punished! Top to bottom and bottom to top, numerous clergy need to be reproved, suspended, defrocked. Based on the investigation as shown in Rape and the Holy Man, these are the men/clergy who knew of the specific accusations, who were part of the failure to do nothing, who attempted to threaten and cajole people (including this JTO Editor) to silence and now are fully culpable for the crimes and sins of their priest perpetrated on women and children. ROCOR! Antioch! OCA! Censure these men:

Metropolitan Hilarion
Father John Oliver
Brother-in-law of Matthew Williams

Father Christopher Stanton
Brother-in-law of Matthew Williams

Archpriest Andrei Sommer
Father Mark Rowe
Father Anastasy P. Yatrelis
Oh, men of holy orders! Will you, now that your backs are against the wall and the hidden has come to light, ask these previously recommended questions of the accused cloistered priest who, according to you, has served "long and faithfully": 

  The list might start out with these 15, asked in a face-to-face meeting with Father Williams:
  1. Did you have any type of inappropriate sexual contact with [name withheld]? 
  2. Why do you think the Mother is insistent that her daughter has admitted to her and to her siblings that you had inappropriate sexual contact?
  3. What was your relationship with the girl?
  4. Did she stay in your home from time to time?
  5. Was she staying in your home when the mother, Carole Stephens, alleges that the inappropriate sexual contact occurred?
  6. When and how did you first hear of the allegation toward you? 
  7. Were you aware of this allegation prior to being ordained a priest in ROCOR and did you make the ordaining entities aware of it? If not, why not?
  8. Since hearing of the allegation toward you, have you and/or your wife had contact either personally or by phone or letter with (daughter's name withheld]? If so, what was the purpose and content of that or those correspondences and how many have there been?
  9. Carole Stephens has claimed that you and your wife had a lengthy, two-hour, phone conversation with her and that she went "round and round" with both of you. Did this phone conversation occur? If so, what was the purpose and content of the call? Did you admit to the mother that you were guilty of raping her daughter or acting in a sexually inappropriate manner and did you ask for her forgiveness as she has asserted?
  10. Have you or your wife at any time offered to give money or financial assistance to Carole Stephens? 
  11. Did Father John Oliver attempt to set up a meeting with you and Carole Stephens? If so, what did you think was the nature of the meeting? Did you agree to the meeting?
  12. Are you willing to meet with us, Carole Stephens and several of her other children who claim that [daughter's name withheld] confessed to them that you were sexually inappropriate with her?
  13. Would you have any objections to us contacting [Daughter] to corroborate your answers?
  14. Have you read Carole Stephen's account of the event and her public e-mails she has sent out over the last few years? If so, is her account accurate? If not, what specifically is not accurate?
  15. Have you been truthful in your answers regarding this matter to us and others?
...and don't forget to ask:  "What did Fr. Anastasy P. Yatrelis of ROCOR and Father John Oliver of Antioch know and when did they know it?" This same question might be asked of other clergy named in this event.

Orthodox Clergy! After you determine the truth of the past issues then the truth of the present issues may be addressed with less oppression on those who dared to threaten your established order. After this, a public repentance and admission of the utter failure on your behalf to shepherd the people of God, and an apology accompanied with action. People are falling away from the faith because of you. If you do not do this, you will diminish as a church both here and abroad. Repent now or forever lose your peace and God will not hold you guiltless.  All are punished.

Father Matthew Williams

Stumbling Blocks and Judgment

And he said to his disciples, “It is impossible for stumbling blocks not to come, but how terrible it will be for the one through whom they come!

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the lake rather than that he should cause one of these little ones to fall away.

Watch yourselves."

Hold these entities accountable. 

The time is long past trusting them to show righteousness in this matter. 



Orthodox Church in America (OCA)

Monday, November 04, 2024

The Trinity Idolatry


Did Jesus "Create" All Things? 1 Cor. 8

4 Therefore, concerning the eating of things sacrificed to idols, we know that “no idol in the world really exists,” and that “there is no God but one.”

6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we are for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we are through him.

“one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we are for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we are through him.” This verse clearly distinguishes between Jesus and God. There is one God and Father, and there is one man, Jesus, who is our “Lord.” This verse shows how God and Jesus work in unity to get the Church what it needs. God gave Jesus all authority and made him head over the Church, so now we get what we need “through” Jesus.

Some Trinitarians say that this verse supports the doctrine of the Trinity because it says that all things came through Jesus Christ. But what the verse actually says is that all things came “from” God, “through” Jesus. That stands in contradiction to Trinitarian doctrine because it places Jesus in a subordinate role to God. According to this verse, Jesus is not “co-equal” with the Father; the Father is “God” and the ultimate source of all things, and Jesus is not called “God.” REV

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Who is Jesus?


   Bible: "I am a man who heard from God."

   Trinitarian: "I am a God-man."

   Arian: "I am a spirit being who became man."

   Oneness: "I am God"