
Thursday, May 25, 2023

"I am the Lord. I am maker of everything.
I alone stretch out the heavens.
I spread out the earth by myself."

Hmmm... I heard tell that Jesus was preexistent, that Jesus is the "Word" that is referred to and Jesus did the creating. What gives?

Is it possible that Jesus was the created human Messiah - Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David and not co-equal with the Father as the innovative trinity doctrine espouses?

Is it possible that the "word" is the expressed wisdom, plan, and intent of the Father and not the preexistent Jesus, that "word" it is a verb and not a noun? You know... like "in the beginning was the word."

Is it possible that God is the One God, who alone is God, the same God that Jesus said was his God also? You know... like when Jesus said, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God" or when Jesus said, "The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord".

You that...

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Heaven Is Not My Home- The Kingdom of God Is My Home


Heaven is the abode of the Father.
Heaven is not the abode of men.
The Kingdom of God will be the abode of men.
The Kingdom of God will be on Earth.

Prove me wrong... without using ad hominems.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Dark Legacy of the Nicaean Creed


"The Nicene Creed is an example of what happens when unbelievers (like pagan philosophers and especially politicians, like Roman emperors) get mixed up in religion.

First comes confusion, since the Creed itself is replete with ambigous and contradictory language.

For example, the creed violates the later trinitarian formula of 3 distinct hypostasis in 1 ousia or 3 Persons in 1 Being or Substance. According to the noted church historian Richard Hanson, “for at least the first half of the period 318-381, and in some cases considerably later, ousia and hypostasis are used as virtual synonyms.” As a result, the creed condemned anyone who said “the Son of God is of a different hypostasis or ousia” from the Father. Yet, today trinitarians would charge you with blasphemy if you taught this section of the creed. Hanson adds that “Not many who have written upon the subject of the Creed of Nicaea have observed this serious difficulty presented by it.” “And in fact there were present at the Council people, such as Marcellus of Ancyra, who were quite ready to maintain that there is only one hypostasis in the Godhead, and who were later to be deposed for heresy because they believed this.”

So however trinitarians try to spin it “the Creed produced by the Council of Nicaea was a mine of potential confusion and consequently most unlikely to be a means of ending the Arian Controversy.” (

Click HERE for the full article.

"Who Is Himself A Man"

 "This is a worthy thing, and it pleases God our Savior, whose desire it is that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth - namely that there is one God and one mediator between God and man, Messiah Jesus, who is himself a man, who gave himself a ransom for them all, that testimony to be proclaimed at the proper seasons."1 Tim. 2:3-6

"A typical unitarian, non-Trinitarian statement about who the one God is. It reflects exactly the Jewish heritage of Paul and all NT writers. Mal 2:10 summarized this simple creed: "Do we not all have one Father? Has not one God created us?" God and Father are equivalent, as is true of 1300 occurrences in the NT. In Dan. 3:17, LXX the young men appealed to "our one Lord" and Jesus affirmed the unitarian creed of Israel in Mark 12:29 in complete agreement with a first-century Jewish scholar." Anthony Buzzard Commentary

Monday, April 10, 2023

Red Pill Gospel

In my newly found method of understanding the scriptures, that is to say-- setting aside all doctrines and creeds and searching the scriptures alone and asking questions aloud that may be anathema to the established bodies of modern Christianity, I have been introduced to several writers who are on a similar journey and who have reached similar conclusions about the untenable structure of cemented doctrines.

One such writer is Forrest Maready. It is apparent by his book, Red Pill Gospel, that he has little interest in appeasing religious entities who have set up unscriptural doctrinal structures as foundational Christian truth. It is also apparent that he has no fear of being called a heretic by the members of those entities.

I challenge anyone to read his book and refute with scripture its presentation that flies in the face of commonly accepted modern scriptural interpretation of the Trinity, Heaven, Hell, and the Kingdom of God. In doing so, you may be able to fairly call him any name you choose and save many from his maniacal devises to lead others astray from the established religious order- or you may find your religion ruined and its shaky tenants crumble at your feet. You may find as many have, as I have, a restoration of the Christian faith as it truly was once taught and believed before " was ruined by Christians."

A few excerpts from Red Pill Gospel-Christianity, Before it was ruined by Christians:

"Many believers-myself included-tend to romanticize the early church as what must have been an accurate reflection of the body of Christ. This is largely untrue. The early church was a complete mess with competing factions of Christianity that sprung up new branches at every turn. The denominational differences of Presbyterian and Baptist or Catholicism and Calvinism are nothing compared to the wild variants of Christianity that formed in the years after Jesus's resurrection. There was much confusion, and through misguided teaching--or simply an effort to survive--many of the factions forked and merged, absorbing and jettisoning competing ideologies along the way."

""...the gatekeeper the notion that a certain person or group of people controls access to a very special revelation or understanding of God. Very few others are capable of this comprehension- only the gatekeepers..."

"The simple kingdom message which had originally captured the hearts and minds of thousands naturally and organically had been twisted into a shell of its former glory. Meanwhile, the failed attempts of...Calvinists and Catholics to square their man-made doctrine's diabolic authoritarian laws- drove them mad, leaving nothing but the memories of hundreds of thousands of dead men, women and children, most of them Christians."

"Over the past several hundred years the church has successfully lopped off half of the gospel message...The good news was not just the forgiveness of sins, but the coming kingdom of God..."

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Logos (Word) Error

"In the beginning there was God's grand design. and that declaration was with God, related to Him as His project, and it was fully expressive of God Himself." John 1:1

Footnotes: The NET Bible Commentary remarks on the meaning of "word" in Ps. 33:6-11: "The Lord's 'word' refers to the decrees whereby He governs His dominion." Only when logos in John 1:1 is made into a second Person, the Son, do all the problems arise. Jesus defined God in Mark 12:29. "The Lord our God is one Lord," not two or three! It would be a fatal contradiction to introduce a second "God, Person" in John 1. In John 17:3 Jesus was a strict monotheist declaring the Father to be "the only one {monos} who is true God {theos}." This is unitary not Trinitarian monotheism. Note Schonfield, Authentic New Testament: "In the beginning was the expressed concept." If we read "In the beginning was the SON" we make two who are GOD, and this breaks the fundamental and easy, express monotheism of Jesus (MK. 12:29; 1 Cor. 8:4-6) and the whole of the Bible. Sadly John 1:1 has been used to contradict Jesus in John 17:3 and the detailed birth narratives of Matthew and Luke, and the more than 1300 NT references to GOD the Father. There are thousands of references to God in Scripture as a single Person, defined by single personal pronouns. The moment someone else, the Son, is said to be God, two Gods are posited; the universe is "tinkered with" and idolatry is introduced (cp 1 John 5:20-21 for fair warning).

From: The One God, the Father, One Man Messiah Translation- New Testament with Commentary by Anthony Buzzard - Footnotes on John 1:1 Page 237

"Most churchgoers are unaware that what they receive in church as 'Bible' has been filtered to them through a lens of Greek philosophical thinking. This tradition adversely affects current Christian teaching, obscuring central aspects of the original belief of Jesus and the Apostles. Post-biblical councils did much to draw a veil over 'the faith once delivered.' Honest inquirers for the saving truth of Scripture will find this translation of the New Testament eye-opening. Most translations tend to 'read into' the biblical text ideas which were never intended by the New Testament writers."

Click To Purchase via Amazon

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Jesus Was and Is A MAN


The Trinitarian Pledge of Allegiance

The Roman emperor Constatine screwed us, with a little help from his friends- the bishops.

The Trinity: It's No Mystery- It's A lie


Did Jesus Have a Split Personality?

The go-to answer of Trinitarians when Jesus shows that he is human: "That was the human part of him" or "That was the God part of him."