
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query jezebel. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query jezebel. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Jezabel Spirit

The following is a warning for all orthodox Christians of the need to be aware of the workings of the Jezabel spirit among us. The Jezebel Spirit seeks to infiltrate and destroy individuals and churches.  The biblical woman, Jezabel, was a controller, a man hater, and an enemy of God's prophets. The same spirit that infiltrated the first Jezebel, is still at work today. Usually a woman, today's Jezebel will claim false authority and gather easy-to-manipulate men around her to do her bidding. Her goal is to control individuals and churches. If she cannot, she sets out to destroy them. The following will shed some light on her tactics and demonic subterfuge.

[Source: An edited on-line article via several authors]
There are basically six characteristics of controlling people and organizations whose source is a Jezebel spirit. While these characteristics of the Jezebel spirit remain constant, as noted in the Bible, the symptoms and manifestations of the Jezebel spirit are constantly changing.

The purpose of this article is to identify the Jezebel spirit as it continues to attempt different ways to get control of and abuse the people of God.

First, the Jezebel spirit has a huge ego and wants to meet its desire and need for power. The Jezebel spirit does this by assuming false authority by any means possible. With this false authority the Jezebel spirit not only fulfills its need for power, but also gets tremendous ego satisfaction as it continually maneuvers for a high position on any hierarchical totem pole — either real or imaginary.

Second, the Jezebel spirit will continue and continue and continue to proclaim their authority. The Jezebel spirit has to do this because it has no real authority. So they have to continue to remind others that they have Godly authority. Usually their group claims they have been granted a mandate [read: commission] by God Himself in some specialized area and that because of this others must obey their commands. Look for this insistence upon having authority granted by God with the claim that because of this others must become their followers. To make things easier for themselves, these Jezebel spirits will usually mark off some area of “specialized ministry” so they can focus on it. This way, they don’t have to have a broad understanding of the Bible, God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. After all, they are “specialists” who hear from where you don’t hear, so they are in charge of that area of “speciality.” This is really simply a variation of the Jezebel spirit claiming false authority. 

Third, the Jezebel spirit is quick to attribute any “problems” others point out to them as being caused by the person who brought it up. Remember, the Jezebel spirit “leader” claims to hear from God in their area of self-proclaimed “speciality” of God and you don’t. So, regardless of what the Bible says about something, they have “special revelations” from God and so they are the ones who will decide what’s a problem and what’s not a problem, and what’s right and what’s wrong. Again, a variation of the “false authority” theme.

Fourth, if you attempt to remain loyal to Christ and His teachings, instead of the Jezebel spirit leaders teachings, you will be made the object of their wrath. You will be openly scorned, ridiculed and embarrassed. If you then say that you will leave their organization, or do so, there will be follow up by the Jezebel spirit leader and followers with overtones of impending doom for you because you are unteachable. And so, the false authority theme continues to develop.

Fifth, you will soon realize that the Jezebel spirit and/or their organization operates in an atmosphere of secrecy. Since they have an exclusive hotline to God, usually in their “specialized area of ministry,” they have exclusive knowledge that you don’t. You are to simply follow their leading and must not question their exclusive “truths.” The Jezebel spirit will constantly be springing surprises upon their followers in any and all areas you can think of. Because of their secrecy and their “surprise techniques” you and the other followers will be kept in a constant state of suspense, always aware that things can change at any moment in time, without any indication of such. The Jezebel spirit cannot afford to be honest, because that would jeopardize their false claim to authority. They cannot openly declare their policies, because the Jezebel spirit has only one policy — control through power over others. If they should somehow become transparent in their manipulations and intimidating tactics, then they will claim you have created a “problem” and will treat you as described in the third characteristic discussed in a paragraph above. The Jezebel spirit will conceal those things from public view and knowledge which they feel would prevent them from exercising their hard won false authority. That is to say that the Jezebel spirit will continue to display those things which others know is wrong and will continue to conceal those things which others know is right — by biblical standards.

Sixth, the Jezebel spirit will purposefully exclude the total counsel of God as stated throughout the Bible. The technique of taking scriptural verses out of context and stringing them together to create false doctrine is a speciality of the Jezebel spirit. In this way the Jezebel spirit can continue to claim they have an exclusive hotline to God on their particularly selected and segmented “area of speciality.” The subject of the prophetic ministry, prophets and prophecy is one of their favorites. If the people who follow the Jezebel spirit can be persuaded that they are hearing the words of a prophet, they will be much more inclined to accept the controlling tactics of Jezebel.

Controlling tactics and techniques 

 A. Approval, appreciation, acceptance and recognition are a basic desire of every human being. Controlling spirits of Jezebel are more than willing to accommodate that desire and will verbally praise you publicly and privately. The Jezebel spirit will appear to be a loving and gracious person, oozing and dripping with flattery on those occasions when it best serves their purposes. They will woo and win you over to their “cause” by their insincere flattery — if you let them.

B. The Jezebel spirit is skilled at prophesying great things about you which you attribute to the Holy Spirit endorsing your (sometimes repressed or hidden) personal desires to be an authoritarian leader. Having toyed with the idea of perhaps eventually becoming a great leader and servant for God this type of false prophecy is very heady, exhilarating, influential and motivating. This is really an extension of all that false verbal praise and flattery.
C. You will be contacted again and again to meet with them or their organization in a variety of settings. Unwarranted statements of God having given them responsibility to train and develop you into a great leader will be conveyed to you in different ways. This “God given responsibility” will quickly translate into “God given authority” over you. Without continuing to add members to their little personal cult the Jezebel spirit would soon lose its sphere of influence.
D. Your own personal illusion of your free will is maintained as they lead you into jumping through hoops and over hurdles of their own making. This is best accomplished in a group setting, but is also effective in private meetings. Their praise and flattery will lead you to respond to remarks and questions about their authority in a positive way. You will be seen by others as a fervent promoter of their authority because you really believe it to be so. The controlling Jezebel spirits derive false authority from those who don’t see through this manipulative ploy. Having planted the idea in your head that you will become another Moses (or equivalent) for God, the Jezebel spirit will continue to attempt to assert their false authority over you in what they consider to be clever, non-intrusive, subtle techniques. With some degree of discerning of spirits on your part, that subtlety becomes as loud as a jackhammer in action.
E. Eventually they will use the verbal praise and flattery they built you up with as a reference point to measure your expected performance. You will now be found to be lacking in some or all areas of such performance. This is another aspect of the praise and flattery, the purpose of which is to manipulate and intimidate you by expressing the disappointment that the Jezebel spirit now feels in you having disappointed God by your failure to conduct yourself as an up and coming powerful religious leader. The purpose of this semantical nonsense is to motivate you to do only what they tell you to do. The controlling spirits of Jezebel are experts in giving and withholding flattery to continue to exercise their false authority over you.
F. You will begin to notice that there are “unspoken rules” which are constantly changing. Knowing that you will be labeled as “the problem” if you ask any questions you subconsciously adjust your thinking to keep in step with that of your “leader.” After all, you have to learn to think, say and do things just like they do because they are recipients of a Godly “hotline” of “specialized information” from God. The Jezebel spirit knows the power of human ego and continues to feed your ego the food it needs to become self-centered in focusing on having the “spiritual authority” you think you need to be the great leader that you think that God wants you to be. This is analogous to building castles in the sand.
G. Their walk won’t match their talk. Contradictory statements will be made that sound like they violently oppose what they are, in fact, doing. They try extremely hard to paint a beautiful verbal picture of their ugly behavior so that you will keep on thinking how much you are in control of your own destiny, not them. Controlling spirits of Jezebel are very clever in continuing to make you think that you are a free thinking, independent person who is in control of their own lives. In fact, you are under the worst kind of bondage of one human to another. This is another way the Jezebel spirit converts you into thinking that you, too, have spiritual authority, which, of course, is really false authority.
H. Your own desire to maintain the illusion of your approval, appreciation, acceptance and recognition created by the Jezebel spirit will motivate you to continue your affiliation with the Jezebel spirit. It’s difficult to accept the fact that you have been lied to, and manipulated and intimidated by a controlling person or organization. Even though you know deep down inside that you’ve been used and abused, you are still confused and afraid of having to leave that exclusive and special group of persons who at one time lavished so much praise upon you, with flattering words. You just don’t want to leave and be alone and insignificant again. The controlling Jezebel spirit knows that your desire to preserve your own illusions of fulfillment of your hopes and desires will override your logical analysis of their controlling Jezebel spirit tactics. Logic is a motivator, but the Jezebel spirit knows that emotions are much more powerful and will override logic. They also know that enthusiasm on their part reinforces your emotions beyond anything else they can do. Enthusiastic, emotional pleas and statements, with some logic interwoven here and there will convince you beyond the shadow of a doubt that you must stay with their group...


Friday, July 18, 2014

A Sign Of The Jezebel Spirit


The controlling Jezebel spirit (Hebrew אִיזָבֶל ('Izevel/'Izavel) is most often displayed in women. These women seduce and deceive their way into a positions of authority that are neither given nor earned. They maneuver, lobby or manipulate their way into communication with men - especially, the clergy. The Jezebel spirit must have a voice - she must have influence and position and has an insatiable desire for affirmation and recognition. Jezebel does not desire equality with men, she desires to dominate them. Her desire to dominate is demonically borne of Satan's goal of nullifying and destroying the church, and in particular, the man of God. Her tool is to gain the confidence of the man of God in order to do him harm, if not openly, then by subterfuge. Jezebel's greatest threat on her way to domination is the prophet (or seer). The prophet/seer is particularly equipped to discern this spirit at work and its cunning devises. The Jezebel will initially attempt to deceive the prophet/seer as she would any man, however, when she realizes she is thwarted or exposed, she will viciously attack or resist the prophet/seer (1 Kings 19) and attempt to diminish his voice. She may contradict him at every turn, and try to rally others to resist him as well. She works behind the scenes with gossip couched in religious language and feigned concern for the church, but her real motivation is to remove what she perceives to be an obstacle to her mission of domination. Jezebel may be a married woman, but she is usually the mouthpiece and spiritual leader in the relationship. She may also be a single woman and more often than not, a woman with one or more divorces or failed relationships in her history.


Jezebel's reach today is expansive and rapid due to modern communication technology, in particular, social media, blogs, and mass e-mails. With the click of a button, Jezebel can speak into the life of the church and communicate with numerous men and clergy at one time. But her preferred method is not blatancy or obvious words- it is a methodical and slow dissemination of information and influence, which she hopes will gain the confidence of the hearers. With a Facebook account or a presence in a chat room, Jezebel, in effect, sits in counsel and discussion with the clergy as an equal, giving her opinion and advice. 


I have recently become aware of a recurring theme in regards to Jezebel's work in targeting Genuine Orthodox Churches. She will often promote the idea that the group is "small", a "remnant", and are the only ones who know what is going on. In truth, no one should take pride in the fact that the remnant of true believers is small,  as it indicates a weakness in the mission of the church to bring salvation to all the world. But, Jezebel will work to cast dispersion on other groups and point out their failures, often calling out groups and people by name. In this, she entrenches herself as a part of this small group so as to exercise her influence. The aim is to subconsciously plant the idea in others that she is "one of us." In truth, her goal is to keep the true believers "small" by causing division and preventing unity both in the church and in the lives of individuals. Jezebel hates unity, works to undermine it at every turn, and works to keep things stirred up.


The Jezebel spirit will single out a man and try to make her way into his confidence. I once had a woman contact me by Facebook message. I am selective about who I "friend", but Jezebel spirit is cunning and usually not obvious. The woman told me who she was and that both she and her husband use the Facebook account, so I would get to talk with both of them. I accepted her friend request and also her request for my JTO e-mail. The woman began to send me a group e-mail bashing other jurisdictions. I asked to be removed from that list. She did so. Then, she e-mailed me personally, "sharing" information about another Orthodox brother. I immediately put a halt to it, telling her that what she was doing "bordered on gossip" and "frankly, I do not want to hear it."  I de-friended her on Facebook, but have subsequently seen the woman doing the same in conversations with others. I also saw the Jezebel spirit at work when I was discussing a matter on Facebook with a group of priests where she was participating. Her response to my words was to warn all (but directed toward me) to respect the words of our priests. This Jezebelian tactic is designed to be a wedge of divisiveness. With that statement, she publicly presented herself as the devoted servant and me as the rebellious independent. This, on the heels of our private e-mail where I rebuffed her for her tendency to gossip. I have yet to hear from her husband by e-mail or message, nor have I seen him in any social media forum. Left unchecked, this Jezebel-influenced woman will cause harm to the church. The question that should be asked of such a woman independently involved in this activity is, "Woman, where is thy husband"? 


I endured a three year period of time when I was publicly maligned, via the internet,  by a woman Jezebel. The viciousness of the attack included the posting of my name and the public accusation that I only had "partial salvation", was in prelest, was deluded, and was deceived by demons. This Jezebel rallied a few others- men whom she controlled - to publicly accuse me with words of, "false prophet", "enemy of the church", "liar" and even likening me to an ape. This Jezebel was an "orthodox" woman who ran an "orthodox" blog. The catalyst for her attacks was the fact that I had rebuffed her numerous attempts to become my counselor. She offered unsolicited correction to me based on her false perceptions of me. When the Jezebel spirit became convinced that she was exposed and could not control me (I, having rebuked the spirit by saying, "I have a priest and you are not him"), she turned to another tactic- trying to gain the confidence of my wife. When she learned that my wife had broken her wrist, she mailed a gift package to her. My wife, being very aware of the Jezebel spirit and knowing, as do I, her ploys and tactics, and that the woman had publicly denounced her husband, joined me in refusing the package and mailing it back, unopened. 


Discern the spirit of any woman, who independent of a husband, mingles with or converses on a regular basis with clergy, if she has not been recognized by a Bishop as having a particular grace (charism) which would warrant such a relationship. Take greatest caution in the arena of Social Media.


Women of wisdom, virtue, and holiness will read this article and not take offense nor feel it is directed at her nor misogynistic in its message. The woman with the Jezebel spirit will be angered, feel exposed, and be compelled to lash out.


1. One woman may only be influenced by the spirit of Jezebel and be acting in self-deception. Another may be controlled by Jezebel- a Jezabel - and, having stepped into a mode of witchcraft, be a more powerful tool of satan. These must be discerned.
2. Men can also be influenced by the spirit of Jezebel and unknowingly be doing her bidding. Other men may be under the control of the spirit of Jezebel and act as her emissary- her eunuch. This, too must be discerned.
3. The tell-tale sign for each is rebellion, for "rebellion as the sin of witchcraft...".


(click to read)
Who Is Jezebel?
How To Recognize A Jezebel Spirit
How Jezebel Spirits Make Eunuchs
The Jezebel Spirit

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Jezebel Despises True Authority

Here are selected quotes on how the spirit of Jezebel is an enemy of the Orthodox Church. These quotes highlight her independence and opposition to all authority, especially spiritual authority. The spirit of Jezebel can influence or control men, but it is most often the strongest in women. Her goal is to disrupt, destroy (especially the clergy), cause disunity, control, and to exhibit her own authority. She is rebellious, curses from an evil spirit, and with arrogance.
"For rebellion (from marah- rebellion, perverseness, bitterness) is like the sin of divination (from quasem- to divine- to curse- false visions, idolatries, delusions of their own minds), and arrogance like the evil of idolatry (Terapim- family idols, images, cultic masks -[evil generational strongholds])." 1 Sam 15:23
Discern the spirit of any woman woman, who, independent of a husband, mingles with or converses. on a regular basis with or to the clergy or the church, if she has not been recognized by a Bishop as having a particular grace (charism) which would warrant such a relationship. Take greatest caution in the arena of Social Media, where it is easiest to set up a platform of pseudo-authority and speak to the masses.

“Jezebel demands recognition for herself while serving as the enemy of the true prophetic ministry. Jezebel was the greatest enemy of one of the Old Covenant’s most powerful prophets, Elijah, whose ministry especially represents preparing of the way for the Lord. The Jezebel spirit is one of the most potent forms of the religious spirit which seeks to keep the church and the world from being prepared for the return of the Lord. This spirit especially attacks the prophetic ministry because that ministry has an important place in preparing the way of the Lord. That is why John the Baptist was persecuted by a personification of Jezebel in the wife of Herod. The prophetic ministry is the primary vehicle through which the Lord gives timely, strategic direction to His people. Jezebel knows that removing the true prophets will make the people vulnerable to her false prophets, which always leads to idolatry and spiritual adultery.” 2 (Epic Battles of the Last Days, pg.137) Mental Disorder and Jezebel
Jezebel’s greatest enemy is true spiritual authority. As Jezebel opposed Elijah and Herodias opposed John the Baptist, so Jezebel today opposes righteous authority. In her heart, she despises all moral authority.
Jezebels love to project a sense of power they do not have. It is based on fear and intimidation, in order to cloud the minds of those they desire to oppress. Steve Sampson (p 14)
Jezebels revile (despise and show no respect for) authority over her. Building on “dislike of authority” (especially of men since they are frequently the authority figure) coupled with rebellion, she hates anyone placed in authority over her (particularly men), and seeks to destroy them and take their power. Jezebel sees herself as the “goddess on the pedestal”.
Jezebel is like a shark; she is most vicious and dangerous. She circles the lives of others looking for teachable, seducible, controllable, “disciples” of her own. Jezebel likes to birth spiritual children of her own as she looks for disciples to eat from her own table. She will look for those that are in rebellion, who are weak, wounded, or those who are contending, bucking, and fighting any established spiritual authority.
Jezebel hates men and majors in destroying them. She cannot have a true Godly relationship with men; because her desire is to strip them of all their perceived power and then destroy them, to emasculate them emotionally and spiritually.
Another very obvious thing with this kind of spirit is its absolute hatred and disdain for anything to do with spiritual warfare, prayer, and anything to do with God’s true prophets. This spirit hates all of God’s prophets just like Queen Jezebel did back in the OT. And it also hates anyone who is actively involved with spiritual warfare in the Lord. The reason it hates these two types of people is because prophets and those well trained in the area of spiritual warfare are its greatest threat. Prophets and those who are trained in the area of spiritual warfare can easily spot and pick up when they come across this kind of spirit, and they will then know how to get rid of it if the person is open to receiving an actual deliverance. If you want to test a person to see if they have a Jezebel spirit on them, just bring up the subject of prophets and spiritual warfare and watch how this spirit will well up with anger and disgust, and from there, will try and change the conversation to something else. You will hit a nerve every time you do this with this kind of spirit.

A real and current example of the Jezebel Spirit at work is found in a woman named Joanna Higginbotham of Oregon who operates Ms Higginbotham's conduct was profiled in the August 7, 2014 JTO article Blogger Troll Confesses to Criminal Record-"Big Deal". The Remnant ROCOR blog contains the name of Bishop Agafangel and the ROCOR jurisdiction to which Higginbotham is a part, however, in a recent direct conversation between JTO Administrator Nathan Lee Lewis and Bishop Agafangel, the Bishop stated that he did not know who Higginbotham was nor was he aware of her blog activities.  He deferred the matter to Higginbotham's priest, Father Gregory Williams, of Holy Annunciation in Liberty, Tennessee. Father Gregory Williams has previously stated that he would issue Higginbotham a "cease and desist" order if he thought it would do any good. 

"I've known Joanna for a very long time. She lived here for quite a while (maybe more than a year; I've forgotten), had me up on a pedestal within a few weeks, left in a rage when I wouldn't take her orders to baptize her future son-in-law while he was living "without benefit of clergy" with her pregnant daughter, then marry them. For several years I was public enemy #1 so far as she was concerned, with endless letters to bishops, other clergy, you name it. After a few years of getting no "satisfactory" response, she went on to someone else. After the marriage (accomplished quite uncanonically; resulting in a reprimand to the offending priest from the bishop) collapsed in disaster and the defection of most of our brethren to the MP, she changed her mind. I have little or no control over her activities, either by e-mail or blog (of which she also has many). Before setting her sights on you, she engaged in a war with [another parishioner]... If I thought it would do any good, I would issue a "cease and desist" order." Father Gregory Williams

For Higginbotham's own priest to confess the futility of dealing with her is telling. Even though Father Gregory has the authority to rebuke, discipline, withhold the sacraments until repentance or deliverance, he has seemingly abdicated his responsibility in the matter. This is the classic and documented rebellious Jezebel spirit at work. She has gained a foothold of control over her priest while her Bishop, who does not speak English, has, until recently, been ignorant of the fact that the spirit of Jezebel is publicly representing his church. Father Gregory cannot claim the same ignorance. In fact, curiously, Father Gregory currently lists himself on his Google Profile as an administrator of the ROCOR Refuges blog. the original blog that now links to Remnant ROCOR.

Higginbotham's operates up to 17 blogs, and participation on several others. Several of these blogs typically include the personal destruction of individuals and the defamation and libel of individual clergy whom she targets, with rumors, gossip, name-calling, innuendo, doctored photos, false accusations, and fabricated stories. She is vehemently opposed to any unity with other jurisdictions and promotes her own jurisdiction as the only legitimate Russian Church while vilifying anyone who disagrees with her by publicly calling them, among other things, psychopaths or cultists. She does not speak for nor is she recognized by her Bishop or jurisdiction, although her blogs are designed to appear so. She, in fact, is under no one's authority- Bishop or Priest - Jezebel never is. Unfortunately, her bishop, priest and jurisdiction are credited for her conduct.

Exhortation: Take time to click on the links after each quote. Study up on the activity of this evil spirit in the church today. Be aware of the tactics and methods it uses. Like a Trojan Horse, a wolf in sheep's clothing, or a lion roaming to and fro, Jezebel seeks whom she may devour toward the destruction of men's souls. If you are a bishop or a priest and are unable to curtail the activities of a Jezebel in your midst, you might at least do what Bishop Agafangel recommended Father Gregory do regarding Joanna Higginbotham:
"We can make a statement that this source does not belong to our church."  
One might also demand the removal of any link or reference to your jurisdiction and, certainty, do not participate as an administrator on a blog influenced by a Jezebel Spirit. The key is to isolate them and cut them off from direct influence over the flock you shepherd. Do not give them a platform of credibility from which to operate. Most of all, PRAY and FAST and STAND FIRM in the face of evil--

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How To Recognize A Jezabel Spirit

[author unknown-JTO edits]
In the Bible, Jezebel was a powerful, wicked queen, and wife of a passive king called Ahab. She was a false prophetess who worshiped the false god, Baal. Baal was the god of prosperity, god of the harvests, god of fertility and sex. She was an enemy of God's prophets, denouncing them, yet had her own group of false prophets. Child sacrifices were common. She was killed by several eunuchs at the order of commander Jehu. Jezebel was a witch, and her spirit of witchcraft is still in operation today in the church, and in the world. It will take both a Jehu and the cooperation of the injured victims (spiritual eunuchs) to kill her again.

 Behaviors you might see:
1. They gain power by destroying others. It is like an adrenalin rush when they “win” over someone. They manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult to displace, once there.
2. They are controlling, manipulative, bossy.
3. They can either be war-like in their personalities, so that they are intimidating, or so “sweet,” “perfect,” deceitful, “timid” and sneaky, they are able to fool and recruit others to join them. Sometimes they can be very charming and charismatic.
4. Critical of others, vicious to the point of bloodthristy.
5. In their mind, they are never wrong.
6. They recruit others in their charges against their victims. They act to persuade recruits, and do not give up this activity until the recruits are won over. If the potential recruits do not cooperate and buy into things, this angers them.
7. They are narcissic. While they can tend to be oversensitive themselves, they have no concern for the feelings of others. They are not sympathetic to their victims, and tend to play the role of victim themselves, in order to gain sympathy. This way the real victim is left stranded, and opposed by others if they ask for help. Being the center of attention really pleases them.
8. They lie, and they believe their own lie. Avoiding the truth, or intentionally acting to withhold truth is part of this. False picture is presented to others.
9. Impulsive, failure to plan ahead. chaotic at times.
10. Lack of remorse after hurting someone. they justify the harm.
11. Consistent irresponsibility.
12. Irritability, aggressiveness (open , or subtle), can be quick tempered.
13. Failure to conform to social norms. person is an “outlier” or non-conformist. has their own ways.
14. Psychological counseling will not help, since they deny what they are.
15. Claims to religious sentiments, but may be very superficial in devotion. 
16. Usually women, but can be men. The women tend to control their men with sex or flattery. And they pick passive men (Ahabs) so they can dominate them.
17. They falsely accuse you, and they do not forgive you.
18. They spread so many lies that after a while their lies begin to contradict one another.
19. They are influenced by the spirit/demon of Jezebel and in need of deliverance.
20. They hate being exposed and will accuse the exposer of all of the above.

More later...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

30 Traits of a Jezebel

1. Refuses to admit guilt or wrong
2. Takes credit for everything
3. Uses people to accomplish its agenda
4. Withholds information
5. Talks in confusion
6. Volunteers for anything
7. Lies
8. Ignores people
9. Never gives credit or shows gratitude
10. Criticizes everyone
11. Oneupmanship
12. Sequesters information
13. Uses information
14. Talks incessantly
15. Spiritualizes everything
16. Is insubordinate
17. Is pushy and domineering
18. Is clairvoyant
19. Uses the element of surprise
20. Sows seeds of discord
21. Commands attention
22. Is vengeful
23. Attempts to make you look like you’re the Jezebel
24. Insinuates disapproval
25. Knows it all
26. Is ambitious
27. Gift giving
28. Is independent
29. Is religious
30. Hides

For a complete explantion of the list, see 30 Consistant Traits of the Jezebel Spirit

Friday, December 07, 2012

How The Jezebel Spirit Makes Eunuchs

Sometimes the Protestants get it right, as is the case of this man, who talks about how an individual, controlled by the Spirit of Jezebel, creates and manipulates people into becoming her servants, her eunuchs.  Take a look below and also look at the previous JTO posts on this subject.

Search other JTO articles on the subject HERE.

Monday, April 03, 2017

The Corrupt Church

Revelation 2:18-29

18 “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write,

‘These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass: 19 “I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. 20 Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. 21 And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. 22 Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. 23 I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Utter Obtuseness!

A wind is blowing. A current of dissent and calamity. A course of strife and enmity with God. Purveyors of truth are purveyors of falsehoods. They speak for God with the voice of demons. Sowing discord among the brethren. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Sweet and bitter waters flow from the same stream. Brethren! This ought not so to be. Blog forums, "public letters" circulate, authored by people with no ecclesiastical authority to do so. They pose as someone whom they are not and speak for others under false identities. Torrents of discord travel via the internet and cause destruction and disharmony. They care nothing of the truth but are deceived in their own minds and have become agents of the evil one. They cannot discern right from wrong, flesh from spirit, truth from fiction. They are oblivious to the correction of God and turn a deaf ear to God's voice of warning. They have been given over to a reprobate mind.

"But he who imagines that he knows, even though he knows nothing, were he even to see an angel from heaven come down to him, yet he would send him away as though he were an evil demon. Even if it were an Apostle or a prophet of God, he would turn him away like another Simon Magus. What utter obtuseness that a blind man should consider the seeing man to be blind, and that he who talks nonsense should think that the words of the sensible man are nonsense!

The blind man disbelieves those who tell him at night that the sun is not shining, and in his disbelief thinks that it is night when it is high noon. He thinks both are deceiving him whether by day they tell him that there is light, or at night that it is dark, and in his doubt sends his informant packing. So those who sit in the darkness of passions and whose minds are blinded by ignorance, or, rather those who have not acquired 'the mind of Christ' think that he who has the mind of Christ is foolish, and that he who has it not is sensible. Of these the Prophet David rightly states, 'The ignorant and foolish perish together.'

Therefore such men twist the whole of Scripture according to their own desires and corrupt themselves in their own passions. But it is not divine Scripture that suffers from this, but those who disfigure it!" Saint Symeon the new Theologian

Bishops of the church should take care to make straight their lines of communication to the world. They should delegate less and be at the forefront of their own communication and discourse. They should prefer personal meetings, personal phone calls, and personally authored letters that are delivered by hand or certified mail. They should be aware of whom among their parishioners are speaking for them and under their banner. They should step on the neck of Jezebel who seeks to control the message of the Church and assure disunity and dysfunction. They should give edict that the blind may not speak for the seeing, the deaf cannot speak for the hearing. They should ask of the these:


The Bishop should say: 

Be silent! Be humble! Be obscure! So that your soul may be rescued and the fire that you have set may be squelched. The squire does not order the King nor does the servant issue an edict. Let you be rightly aligned. Let everything be done decently and in order.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Demasculinizing of America- a FaceBook Encounter

I recently came across a post on FaceBook.  Someone thought it was funny. I did not. This is another example of the Spirit of Jezebel at work. Required a response. The caption read:



"Ah, another acceptable sexist joke. Okay- because it is toward men? Let's change this around and see what happens. "Your wife will always be your biggest and oldest child that requires the most adult supervision." Not so funny either way. Sorry you have met so few real men- loving, responsible husbands, fathers with character and a moral fiber. If a woman enters a marriage with this view of men, or marries a man who lacks character, because she thinks they all do, then her marriage is destined to fail. Not a laughing matter. Please forgive, I am a little weary of this false message promoted by western media. Ever notice how many commercials include the dumb, clueless man, with a woman, or even a girl, that comes to his rescue? Marriages can be strong only if there is mutual respect. [P.S. Married 35 years and the father of five daughters.]"

"Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, ..." [Ephesians 5]

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Pro-Life Feature Film in Pre-Development

I am encouraged by the nature of the most recent public attack on me by the Jezebel, Joanna Higginbotham, of Oregon. In the six years that she has been attacking me in public I have never answered one of her accusations--until now. I am encouraged because the nature of the attack is indication of the presence of God in my activities surrounding the pro-life movement and the sanctity of the life of the unborn. Higginbotham joined her partner-attacker, Minas Michael Christie, on his blog in inferring that I am pro-choice and was an Obama supporter. Higginbotham posted a sermonette in the comment section apparently designed to correct me. Although the content of her words are true, the context in which they appear is deceptively misleading and defamatory. Anyone seeing the post and the comment would get a false understanding of who I am. Anyone seeing the post title alone,  "Busted Again", would have no doubt as to the intentions of both Higginbotham and Christie to discredit me.

Christie's Stolen & Doctored Photo of Lewis

Higginbotham's Comment

I supported, and even campaigned for Mike Huckabee in the 2008 election, primarily for his pro-life views, and posted a JTO article at the time to that effect. I actively ran the Tennessee For Huckabee blog which was listed on the official Mike Huckabee For President website. I later voted for John McCain who won the nomination. The Republicans still have a pro-life platform which is worthy of consideration when deciding for whom to vote. I have never nor would I ever vote for a candidate that was not pro-life. During the same 2008 election cycle, I operated a blog called "O-bortion" which highlighted the then-candidate Obama's extreme abortion views.

When Obama won the election in 2008, I posted an article asking all to pray for our new president as we are commanded to do, because he was, in fact, to become the President of all Americans. Here is the short JTO post in entirety:
"I invite all JTO readers to pray for President-Elect Barack Obama as he leads the United States in this most difficult time in our history. I echo President-Elect Obama's words to those who did not support him during the election. He will be the president of all Americans. Choose prayer rather than criticism and allow our sovereign God to work his will and way in this nation. Prophesy if you must and criticize if it is warranted, but remember, the Kingdom of God will prevail and all nations and leaders will one day bow before the throne of God. God is still in control and Christ will come again."
I myself, did, in fact, later criticize with an article called The Usurper, but I also have prayed every week at the altar for "The President of the United States and all those in civil authority."  But Christie and Higginbotham have skewed these facts.

So why have Higginbotham and Christie borne false witness against me in this matter?  I believe this scripture explains it:
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
The spirits of darkness that influence both of them would have them present me as the very opposite of who I am and the very opposite of what I am equipped by our Lord to do, so as to thwart the purpose of God in protecting the innocent unborn. But why attack me in particular, and to what purpose?

Through my Rocky Top Pictures, LLC, I have been producing a feature film designed to be the definitive pro-life film. The Rocky Top Pictures website has been cryptic as to the nature of the film, and the title is still undisclosed, because it is a true story whose subjects are still alive. You, the JTO Readers, are the first to be privy as to the nature of this film. The adapted screenplay is ready and meetings are talking place to produce it and bring the film to the theaters.

JTO readers, do you want to see this film made? Then pray. Pray that the Jezebelian voices like Higginbotham and Christie will be silenced and that those of us who are given a voice in the film industry are allowed to speak for the sake of the unborn.

JTO readers, do you want to see this film made? Then leave an encouraging comment in the comment section or by e-mail

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Blogger Troll Receives Notice Of Pending Litigation - Federal Crime

[JTO Editor's Note: I write this article in the Third Person, hoping that it not be perceived as a personal defense of myself or anything that has occurred to me. For my part, I am content to allow God to use persecution to buffet my soul and have posted my view on such HERE. But, for the cause of Christ and His Holy Church I come to the defense of God's people who are the targets of an enemy who "roams to and fro, seeking whom he may devour."]

Minas Michael Christie, of Saint Petersburg, Florida, has received a cease and desist letter from a Nashville, Tennessee attorney, representing Nathan Lee Lewis, the author of the JTO blog and Executive Producer of Rocky Top Pictures, LLC. Sighting numerous infractions, the letter warns Christie of Copyright Infringement, which is a federal crime, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment and "demands that you immediately cease and desist all use of the infringing photographs and provide an accounting of all uses of the photographs..."

The letter focuses on Christie's activity on a Google blog he operates under the name Journey To Knuckleheads From The Underworld. The blog, operated under the Google name, MRXRISTIDIS, contains numerous copyrighted photos, used multiple times, and belonging to several owners, including Nathan Lee Lewis.  JTO has learned that at least one other attorney, representing a copyright owner, is preparing action against Christie.
"The blog appeared about a year ago", Lewis said. "I was mortified to see personal and copyrighted photos of my wife, daughters, grandchildren and myself displayed with vitriolic and mocking captions. My copyrighted photos from my business, blog, FaceBook, and church websites were also used as defamatory memes. Christie's blatancy and disregard for the law is astounding." Lewis said.
Although Christie's Knucklehead blog is his own, he is also co-administrator of an orthodox blog, Remnant ROCOR, operated by Joanna Higginbotham of Oregon and her priest Father Gregory Williams of Liberty, Tennessee. Ms. Higgingbotham is quoted heavily on Christie's blog and she is very active in the comment section. She also endorses Christie's Knucklehead blog via a link on the Remnant ROCOR blog, with this warning: "Caution-satire." Recently the "caution-satire" was changed to simply, "humor." Both Christie and Higginbotham's internet conduct were the focus of the August 7, 2014 JTO article, Blogger Troll Confesses To Criminal Record- Big Deal,  

In recent days, the Remnant ROCOR vitriolic posts, some of which also included copyrighted photos, have lessened, but Higginbotham's activity on Christie's blog have increased. Along with the link on Remnant ROCOR, Higginbotham has also posted an article specifically endorsing Christie's blog.

Lewis has confirmed that more than one legal course of action is being prepared against Christie,
"The copyright infringement issue is only the first stage in holding Mr. Christie accountable for his illegal actions," Lewis said. "There are also numerous documented accounts of his blatant lies regarding my character and business activities. His obvious intent to do me personal and financial harm through defamation and libel will not go unanswered. I am not only confronting this for my sake but for the sake of the other good and godly people, including clergy and their families, whom Christie continues to target."
On at least five occasions, Mr. Christie deliberately obscured Lewis' copyright mark, © 2014 Nathan Lee Lewis, from the photos by using a Paint or Photoshop feature or with a black bar. The U.S. Copyright Act. 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq, entitles a plaintiff to seek statutory damages of as much as $150,000 per act of infringement, but the intentional removal or manipulation of a copyright notice constitutes an additional, specific violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 1202(b), stating,
No person shall, without the authority of the copyright owner or the law, intentionally remove or alter any copyright management information knowing, or. with respect to civil remedies under section 1203, having reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal an infringement of any right under title.

The damages for violating 17 U.S.C. 1202 alone range from $2500 to $25,000 per violation, in addition to any damages for copyright infringement.

"If Christie honestly believes that he has the right of  "Fair Use" of the photos", Lewis said, "then why would he take the time to obscure the copyright marks on the photos? His position certainly will not stand a legal test."
Since Mr. Christie has reportedly published upwards to 100 copyrighted photos, he may have much for which to answer, particularly if other plaintiffs take action. A legal answer from Christie has been demanded by Lewis' attorney,
"If you fail to comply with the demands in this letter on or before (omitted), (omitted) reserves the right to take all necessary action to protect its rights without further notice to you."
According to Lewis, Christie missed the deadline and has yet to respond to the attorney's letter through legal channels, but initially confirmed that he received and read the letter, with a seemingly sarcastic and mocking comment he attempted to post on the JTO blog:
"Hi Nathan. I'm trying to get the [settlement offer omitted] together but I may need more time, my blood type isn't rare so they won't pay much for it at the blood bank. Also be assured that I'm working on putting everything on my hard drive on flash drives to send to you for review. I do need to be careful though as that damn Jezebel is keeping close tabs on me and may not approve of my action to settle up with you. I have a feeling she doesn't like you as much as I do and may punish me for cooperating with your requests. Please have mercy on me. Maybe you could pray for me, I could used a mediator like you between God and myself."
As of this post, Mr. Christie has failed to voluntarily remove the copyrighted photos from his blog and, in fact, has defiantly posted a new round of copyrighted photos belonging to Lewis, followed by a posting of the attorney's letter. In the post, Christie claims his right to use the photos and his refusal to remove them.
"It doesn't surprise me that Christie has pushed back," Lewis said, "but his arrogance is obscuring clear thinking. The letter contains his home address and he posted it for all to see. A very unsafe action in today's world. With the issue now being a legal matter and with Christie's obvious defiance", Lewis said, "my attorney is preparing the first of two law suits."
It is yet to be determined if Mr. Christie will continue to defy the law and ignore the Cease and Desist demand. Time will tell, but if it doesn't, litigation certainly will.

See Related JTO Articles:
Remnant ROCOR Co-Administrator Discovered In Gay On-line Chat
State Of Florida vs. Christie, Minas Michael

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Divination And Prophecy

Is there a difference between divination and prophecy? 

The knee jerk reaction, of some orthodox Christians, to immediately attribute to demons anything having to do with the supernatural elements of the faith, is alarming. The alarm is not over the fact  that the church needs to be reminded that Satan roams to and fro, about the earth, seeking whom he may devour, and his sights are always set on the people of God, for Satan would diminish the capacity of the church to move through time, equipped with the demonstrated power of God. One of the ploys of Satan is to mimic the gifts of God. Moses saw this in Pharaoh's court, when the magicians were able to reproduce the staff-to-serpent trick. We see it also today, as there seems to be a satanic supernatural counterfeit gift to every one of God's gifts. Cloaked as an angel of light, Satan would lure seekers and orthodox faithful, by offering them supernatural demonstrations. Through this deception, Satan would have even the faithful following signs and wonders, which he controls. "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." This is indicative of the modern, so-called, Charismatic Movement. The end of this path is spiritual and physical death.  

There is another deceptive ploy, however, for which the alarm must be sounded, for its fiery dart is aimed at the heart of the Church. Alarming, is the propensity of some to so fear the satanic supernatural, that they ignore the fact that the Christian faith is inherently, divinely supernatural. In their initial, sincere effort to keep the false gifts out of the Church, they become unwitting emissaries of resistance to God's good gifts. In this, they have become unwitting emissaries of Satan.  Even with several biblical lists which contain specific, demonstratively supernatural gifts, that God instills in humans, and the clear warning from Saint Paul not to dismember the body by removing any gift, these emissaries relegate those gifts to another time or place. They suggest that such gifts are "not common" or are only seen in "very holy" people, such as monks, bishops, or those who have long since died, and never in contemporary laymen. To bolster this view, the emissaries, will quote their preferred Church Father, with little regard to the context in which the Father wrote. They will find Church Fathers who warn about deceptive supernatural practices or cults. They will ignore, or cast dispersion on saints such as Symeon the New Theologian, who was very specific concerning the ethereal means by which God communicates His will to the "brethren". Then, the emissary will add to their charge, many anecdotes of people who have been deceived, or a gifted person who turned out to be demonized. Some of these things may be factual, however, the emissary ignores the fact that no Church Father ever denied the existence, or operation, or dispensing of all of the gifts of the Spirit as God chooses.  The emissary's conclusion, and his core motivation, is the dogma that anyone who believes in, operates in, or supports the more demonstratively supernatural gifts today is demonized, and must be denounced and silenced. In this, the emissary does the work of Satan, when they attack the Holy Spirit's work in and through His people. The scripture says to "test the spirits to see if they be of God", but the emissaries ignore this God-given method of determining the origins of a gift, and go straight to denouncement.  The emissary, themselves, are deceived into thinking they are doing God's work, as they aggressively attack and isolate even orthodox Christians, making charges, judgments and character assassinations. They lump all supernatural gifts under the term, "charismatic movement", and, in effect, throw the authentic Gifts of God out with the proverbial bathwater, making the gifted person, suspect. In this, they feel justified to make public their accusations and have no remorse toward the destruction they do to the individual on whom they have set their sights. This is demonstrated most often in the attack on God's prophets in the Church. The emissaries will denounce the current authenticity of God's prophets by calling the gift, "divination". But, is there a difference between Satan's diviners and God's prophets?

Divination and Prophecy

"Similarities between inspirational divination and Old Testament prophecy ought never to be allowed to blind one to their radical and essential differences. It is true that both take into account the human instinct for secret knowledge, especially that appertaining to the future, and they agree in the conviction that such knowledge is possessed by certain spiritual beings who are willing, upon certain conditions, to divulge it, and that such secret information is imparted to special classes of men called diviners, seers, and prophets. But the likenesses end here. All the rest is in fundamental contrast.

The Old Testament prophet believed in a personal God. uniquely one, infinitely holy, righteous, and powerful, whose spokesman he claimed himself to be. When he spoke or wrote, it was by direct inspiration from the Spirit of God. "Thus saith Jehovah" was the authoritative formula that stamped his message with finality and infallibility of divine truth. The Greek and the Roman "soothsayer" (mantis), on the other hand, having no sublime ethical God, but gods many and lords many, went through various crude contortions, until he worked himself up to the necessary pitch of ecstasy, by music, drugs, sacrificial smoke, and similar helps. When, finally, in his insane excitement, he did speak, it was not truth by divine power, but error and deception by demonic cunning." (Unger, Biblical Demonology)

Rather than rightly divine the difference between God's prophets and Satan's diviners, the unwitting emissary for Satan challenges the very existence of the Holy Gift and those whom God has gifted. 

The test of a true prophet of God is very specific.

"You may be privately wondering, 'How are we to tell that a prophecy does not come from Yahweh'? When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh and the thing does not happen and the word is not fulfilled, then it has not been said by Yahweh. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. You have nothing to fear from him."

"This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, that spirit is not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world"

The test of a false prophet is very specific,

 "...the prophet who presumes to say something in my name which I have not commanded him to say, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die."

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."

"At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. . . . For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time"

"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets"

"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping"
The work of the people of God, concerning prophets, is to, first, hear their words. Then, ask, "are their words true and do their words bear fruit?" Testing the truth of a "Thus saith Jehovah" word, often takes time, but Satan's unwitting emissaries are quick to speak and slow to listen. These emissaries, left unchecked, become the real enemies within the gates of the Holy Church, by calling unholy, that which God has called, holy. These emissaries are empowered by the Spirit of Jezebel. They would silence the prophets for they know that,

"...He Himself gave some to be prophets...for the Lord does nothing unless he reveals His instructions to His servants the Prophets." 

In these spiritually perilous times of great apostasy, when supernatural forces of darkness are being unleashed in an unprecedented manner, to deceive, "if it were possible", the very elect, God's prophets are anointed to expose and bring down the strongholds of the enemy and protect the body of Christ. They are diviners of God's will, equipped to root out the diviners of darkness. The irony exists in the fact that it is God's prophets who often expose the false prophets! Satan is working, through his unwitting emissaries, however, to cut of this vital gift, dismembering them from the body. Brethren, let it not be so!

"He who receives a prophet, will receive a prophet's reward."

*COMING NEXT: The Jezebel Spirit, enemy of the prophets of God, and infiltrator of the Church.

Related Articles: Is Orthodoxy Charismatic?