
Monday, September 08, 2008

Orthodox Filmmaking

The Protestants have them...
The Catholics have them...
The Jews have them...
Even the Mormons have them...
Why don't the Orthodox have feature films?

Here we are Lord...Send us!

Years ago I wrote a mission statement to the Christian World with the challenge to
reach the world through the art of film making and to support filmmakers just as we support missionaries. In the sovereignty of God, the challenge fell on deaf ears and very few at that. Holy Trinity knew that my Journey To Orthodoxy was to be kicked into high gear and that, by His grace, I would enter the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I have been Orthodox for four years. I have found myself on the
Orthodox Circle Website seeking to find other like minded missionaries. I have been disappointed to find the predominant attitude of those claiming to be filmmakers on the site is that of "I thank thee oh God that I am not like that filmmaker over there...". As I shared my pro-life feature film project on the site I was confronted by my brothers with all the reasons why I would not be successful with such a venture. I really had not asked their opinion. I had asked for their prayers. I am an arrogant and sinful man, maybe that's why I recognized the arrogance and sinful way in which I was received as an Orthodox filmmaker. But, I am a big boy and realize that a few trite voices do not a vision thwart. In other words, all the self-anointed, self assured, arrogant, so-called filmmakers, don't matter.

It is a given that God has called us to take the gospel into all the world. Orthodoxy, particularity in America, has been slow in fulfilling that call. There are only about 500,000 Orthodox Christians in America. We are segmented into our jurisdictions, hunkered down for fear that less money will flow back to our preferred patriarchal sees. Thus does the state of evangelism on the North American continent suffer. Could that also be why Orthodox filmmakers are not making more of an impact? We too are segmented, holding tight what we consider ours? Should we not hold to the faith of our fathers which says,

"Possessing everything but owning nothing..."?

And, yet, I am encouraged. I have recently become acquainted with two Greek brothers who were raised Orthodox in the Greek jurisdiction. Again, in the sovereignty and timing of God, they find that they have journeyed back to their faith and found the spiritual well deeper than they had ever known. From the depths of the well they unexpectedly tasted the heart of the Great Commission in relation to filmmaking. I am encouraged because they get it. I am encouraged because...they are not filmmakers (yet). They are Christians. It seems I have more than once had to qualify the fact that I do not make Christian films. I am a Christian who makes films. Perhaps those of us who cling to our artistic, self-promoting arrogance, will be usurped by the likes of these Greek brothers, who have been entrusted with a pure heart and understanding as to why we are given any gift. "Adventiat Regnum Tuus", let "Thy Kingdom Come", not ours.

Master, if you will but say the word I will be healed. Master say the word.
Master say the Word. God grant that those of us in the Orthodox faith who have been snatched from the mouth of the vile world of self-exhibition and self-promotion may be molded into instruments of Thy peace. Holy Trinity grant that those of us who have sought individual artistic achievement may become One with you, with the Church and with our brothers with whom we share this vision:

To reach the world through the art of film making and
to support filmmakers just as we support missionaries.

Now, in this time, let me put the trumpet to my lips and call on all existing and future Orthodox Filmmakers. I call on the Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Bishops, Priests, deacons, laymen of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, to support with finances and prayers, your filmmaker missionaries who do reach the lost of this world through the most influential medium on the planet. But even if you do not, we will prevail for the angel of the Lord goes before us. What God has put together, no man can tear apart.

Nathan Lee Lewis-A Sinner
Executive Producer
Kingdom Films, Inc.

UPDATE: 1/16/2010 Kingdom Films has been dissolved as a corporation. Please see:


  1. Amen, dear brother, Amen!!

    In Christ,


  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    How about a documentary on the history of the Orthodox church, with lots of info on the Church Fathers?

  3. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Some notable exceptions-

  4. Thomas,
    Indeed notable exceptions in that they are Orthodox in subject matter. Thank God for the Russians and the Danish. The heart of my clarion call, however, is for Orthodox filmmakers to enter the mainstream of the film industry, not just to make "Orthodox subject matter films", and to artistically comment on all aspects of humanity through the lens of the Orthodox faith. I noticed one of your listed exceptions was released in 1973 and one this year, 2008. God forbid that these are the extent of the exceptions. Will another 35 years go by before the next is released? The challenge is to support your Orthodox filmmaker by investing with your MONEY in their projects. Thanks for you comment.

  5. Nathan,

    Probably a dumb question, but have you seen Ostrov and The Monastery?

    Just curious.

  6. Nathan, By all means, see Ostrov! The other film I have not seen and I did not give it its full and proper title, but my brother Costa asked me to ask you if you had seen these films.

    Ostrov is making its way through the Orthodox world with its impact always felt on second and third viewings, (it is worth viewing multiple times).

    Made in Russia and I know in our case, the copy my brother has would not play on a standard DVD but we had to use an XBox.

    Please check it out, dear brother. I'm sure you will love it.

    I'll get back to you on the title of the other film or just ask Costa to post here.

  7. Hello Nathan, this is Costa (Soph's brother)

    Definitely check out Ostrov (The Island). Its a well done movie as far as movies go and it captured Orthodox spirituality very well. Also, I would check out The Monastery, Mr Vig, and the Nun which is also very Orthodox. Good inspiriation for all of us.



  8. I have seen it as OCTPOB and have a copy of it in my hand as we speak. Exceptional.

  9. Ah, so we are now on the same page.

  10. Hey man you got an Odox actor right here!


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