
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Worthy Quote On Sola Scriptura

Everything that is in the Bible is true
but not everything that is true is in the Bible.


  1. Yep, I read this one. And agree, for example, you'll never find: "Rex could beat Nathan in a boxing match" in the Bible.

  2. But the bible does say: "And Nathan said to the Rex, You are the Man!"

    2 Samuel 12:7.

  3. For those of you who don't know, "Rex" means "king", thus the tongue- in-cheek statement is biblical. My pastor father once told me that Tennis and Arkansas were in the Bible. "Moses served in Pharaoh's court" and "Noah looked out of the Ark and saw..." English language Bible puns, you gotta love em!

  4. Thanks, Nathan, for making my blundering attempt at comedy clear.

    Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon me.


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