
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Memory Eternal

My Father, Reverend Bill H. Lewis died this morning at 1:20 a.m. Thank you for your prayers for him and our family as we mourn his passing and celebrate his life.



  1. May his memory be eternal.

    And may you and your family be given the strength you need now to mourn as you need to amidst all of the administrative distractions.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Memory Eternal to your dear father.

  3. Eternal Memory.

    I lost my mother less than six months ago so can empathise with your sad loss.

  4. Thank you friends. Your prayers and empathy are felt.

  5. I just read about your father; there are no decent words for such a situation. I wish you and your family peace.

    Memory eternal.

  6. I know this is'nt the place to ask you this question but I was'nt sure where I should post it since there does'nt seem to me to be a place on your blog to leave any general comments about it.
    I'm wondering why you have not included in your listings of "genuine" Orthodox synods the synod of Met. Agafangel ROCOR (A)or Met. Cyprian's Synod In Resistance as being true Orthodox Synods, yet you do include HOCNA (Boston) and ROCOR (Moscow Patriarch) among others. I may be able to understand your reasoning if you believe others such as the self-proclaimed expert on all things Orthodox, Vladimir Moss and his claims that Met. Cyprian's SIR is heretical and as such Met. Agafangel's ROCOR synod is also since they are in full communion with one another, yet, why then do you list Joanna Higginbotham's ROCOR REFUGEE'S as a recommended blog since it is a pro ROCOR(A) blog? I understand your some-what a newbie to Orthodox traditionalism and would like to know that just because a synod such as ROCOR(MP)for instance follows the traditional (old) calendar that does'nt make them a true traditional church since they are now in communion with World Orthodoxy and Ecumenism.
    Just my thought's and question's.

  7. mmc,
    You are always welcome to e-mail me at
    Posting here is fine also. I added one of the links you suggested and will look at adding the other. There was no specific intent in it's omission. I just overlooked it. Thanks for the heads up.

  8. Thank you Brother Nathan, that is very fair of you to do that.
    May you have a blessed Lent

  9. My father, another Bill, died two years ago. He thought I was nuts for being religious at all but I miss him dreadfully and always will.
    I will remember them together - Dad liked making friends called Bill :)


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