
Saturday, January 09, 2010

A Personal Request

Please pray for my elderly father, Bill Lewis, who was taken by ambulance to the ER this morning. I will be traveling the six hours to be with him. My father has spent his entire life believing in God and preaching faith in Jesus all around the world.  The picture was taken on Christmas Eve (Gregorian Calendar), 2009.

Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Update: Dad has spinal meningitis. He is critical. Trying to save hm with antibiotics. He is unconscious. Continue to pray.

Update #2: Dad is not expected to live. We are spending our last precious hours with him.


  1. Debbie Espen10:27 PM

    Blessings and Prayers and my thoughts and well-wishes to you and to your Dad! Please tell him Debbie sends these wishes!

  2. I am praying a kathisma of the Psalter for him tonight.

    Lord have mercy.......

  3. Thank you Deb.

    Elizibeth, Thank you so much for praying the Psalter. I am in a foreign land surounded by a bunch of Baptist preachers. The prayers here are impromptu...though I am certain they are of some effect.:)


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